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Proprietatea proprietarului de superyacht rusesc a percheziţionat din nou în Germania | Clipuri de știri SY
9 thoughts on “Proprietatea proprietarului de superyacht rusesc a percheziţionat din nou în Germania | Clipuri de știri SY”
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Always like your channel. What is now the largest super yacht by volume?
511 feet 156 meters uh strange indeed
I don't understand why Ukraine secret services don't sink all these oligarch yachts. If the countries that seized them aren't going to sell them and give Ukraine the funds to use for rebuilding their country after Russia destroyed 20% of it – to the bottom of the ocean with them. Imagine if oligarch criminals, Putin's buddies, get them back at some point. Absolute no-go.
With the de-industrialization of Germany they need to “obtain” money anyway they can.
Russia should return the favor.
I can not wait to have a major smackdown of Germany when they are forced to pay 10x the energy costs compared to the cheap Russian energy they used to have. The Eastern Front seems to be all playing out again.
Look at Putin’s pretty ship, paid for by the Russian taxpayers
When is Gremany going to seize Bill Gates' yacht since the US blew up the Northstream pipeline, the property of Germany?😂
Why! Whats next money of the germans People Who work for it!