Salonul nautic de la Annapolis: este mai mult decât bărci!

Salonul nautic de la Annapolis: este mai mult decât bărci!

Da, e din nou acel moment al anului! Nimeni nu face un spectacol de ambarcațiuni ca Annapolis și anul acesta am avut soare fierbinte pentru cea mai mare parte, așa că simțiți-vă foarte norocoși. Erau o mulțime de bărci de văzut și chiar mai multe gadget-uri, dar trebuie să recunosc că Annapolis a devenit un loc de întâlnire cu vechii prieteni, Patroni și colegi YouTube și pur și simplu să petreci într-un loc minunat. Am fost nominalizați din nou la International Cruisers Awards, așa că am apucat să ne îmbrăcăm și să mergem la petrecere, dar nu vă faceți griji că nu a fost doar petrecere, am reușit să rezolvăm niște echipamente pentru bărci. Proiectul nostru principal a fost direcția cu palete. Am făcut multe cercetări înainte de spectacol, Hydrovane părea a fi alegerea numărul unu pentru noi. Unitățile sunt încă fabricate în Nottingham Anglia, dar compania este acum condusă de o familie canadiană foarte drăguță. Am discutat cu Will și Sarah în prealabil, care și-au navigat cu barca în Marea Mediterană anul acesta, dar a fost plăcut să-i cunosc la spectacol și să aruncăm o privire atentă asupra unității. Va trebui să vedem dacă bugetul de croazieră mai are suficient după ce lucrările noastre actuale pe hardul din Lagos vor fi terminate. REDUCERE! Oamenii de la PYI tocmai mi-au trimis un e-mail și au spus că spectatorii noștri pot obține o reducere la spectacolul ambarcațiunii la toate lucrurile lor grozave (au aripile MaxProp și Fendertex, printre altele), să verifice site-ul lor și să folosească cod FAIRISLE


32 thoughts on “Salonul nautic de la Annapolis: este mai mult decât bărci!

  1. Great episode and we spent a lot of time with PYI and bought 6 of the Fendertex larger fenders. We also have the max-fold prop, and it is a brilliant piece of kit. I have to admit the wooden platters are actually a brilliant design for charcuterie, and when we use them with guests on board, they rave. I really liked the design of the one the CEO showed you of them. It was amazing to see you two at the boat show, and we always consider it an honor and gift to spend a bit of time with you.

  2. Hydrovane…..British engineering at its best. When I collected mine from Kirkby in Ashfield, Nottinghamshire where they are manufactured I met the originator and designer, Derek Daniels.

  3. I was thinking of a Hooka . but went with a mantus tank instead , and I got a small compressor on board that runs off the inverter and fills the tank in about 20 minutes. No hoses to swim with and I get about 25 minutes underwater depending on the depth .

  4. Looks an amazing show. Almost as big as Southampton 🤣 The large yacht you looked at reminded me of Spirit Yachts from Ipswich.

  5. ( 28:35 ) Cats are an essential part of daily life !😻 this one should have had an introduction 😸 / I also saw Ben & M.P from
    Sailing Yaba at the awards show , I hope I'll get to see the winning Cat clip on another Cruisers channel ? your videos are very enjoyable 👍

  6. Judy and Steve, Wow! Amazed how fast you were able to pull this content together. Great to see you were able to stay with Franny & Heidi in our marina. Great boat show! So much to see in 2 days (that’s all we had). Great to see you guys!

  7. Enjoyed the 'film' as always. Glad you enjoyed the show, the technology improves constantly. Curious what safety training they include in the tankless dive system (eg never hold your breath !). You can still get into trouble at 15 or 30ft. Maybe get a dive computer to track your nitrogen status if you will be using it multiple times per day (no diving 24 hours before a flight).

  8. Wow it really bothers me. Many of the YouTube channels smaller than yours were sent a complimentary diving system. I can’t remember which brand off hand. Your Chanel is one of the best. Thank you for another wonderful episode

  9. I am thinking of electric bikes as well, but just a note of caution, that throttle that Steve liked wouldn't be legal on UK roads. We have fairly limited motor options here as well, still you may not need to bike British roads for some time!

    The chaps at PYI have just emailed me and said our viewers can get the boat show discount on all their great stuff (they have the MaxProp and Fendertex fenders amongst other things), check out their website and use the code FAIRISLE

  11. Saw you charging through the crowd on Saturday and was a bit surprised because I hadn't realized you were coming. A wet day for sure. We live a few hours away at the beach so we drove in for the day. Looked at a lot of the same things you did and played around with the propellers. They are little engineering marvels.

  12. Whoa! Wasn't this just last weekend? Guess there isn't as much glorious scenery to choose from in the edit suite compared to your normal films 🙂

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