Suntem foarte mândri să anunțăm că am câștigat Premiul Global Impact la International Cruisers Award Show. Nu am fi putut realiza toate acestea fără patronii, donatorii și susținătorii noștri – așa că vă mulțumim! @youngcruisersassociation @ashleyyachts9206 Vă mulțumim pentru găzduirea și prezentarea premiului! Aceasta este povestea singurei clinici veterinare de navigație din lume. Ajutați-ne să continuăm să oferim îngrijiri veterinare gratuite devenind un Patron sau donând, Patronii au acces din timp la videoclipuri fără reclame și la actualizări live săptămânale. Link Patreon: Link pentru donație: Mulțumim susținătorilor noștri care ne permit să ne continuăm misiunea. Multă dragoste, Dr Sheddy și Jim
Annapolis Boat Show 2023: Câștigând premiul Global Impact

27 thoughts on “Annapolis Boat Show 2023: Câștigând premiul Global Impact”
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Congratulations! That's wonderful this channel is getting the recognition it deserves
Congratulations to you guys…. We are dog parents that also cruise the SOC and love your videos.with any luck we will get a chance to share and anchorage with you and meet you sometime.
Gary,Ena and Dutch
SV Divergent
I was there at the awards ceremony and I was so happy that you guys won this prize!
Well deserved. Congrats.
Congrats on the award you deserve it. Hopefully this will gain you some additional exposure and funding.
Congrats! I voted for you guys!
No thank you
It was about time that you get an award – all the best to both of you, cheers from Southern Bavaria.
This is very well deserved. Cheers!
Well done folks you are doing a Stirling job.
Congtats on winning this award! I absolutely love what you’re doing and love telling other animal lovers about your channel.
well deserved!
Thank You for making our world a better place. All the Best, Sheddy and Jim!
Congrats. Wouldn’t the Extinction Alert about the Vaquita Dolphins be a better use of resources, only around 20 left, and Mexican fisherman are still killing them.
Congratulations, a very worthy winner
That is a very honorable award. You have always been deserving for many years though. We know what you do for the animals that you come across. We know what you mean to them and the difference you make. Thank you from all of us.
Great job!!
So happy that you got the exposure you did from the award, wish I could do more.
Brilliant, well done.
Congrats Sheddy & Jim, you deserve this award and more!
Congratulations to you both xx