Acest episod dau degetul la 50 dintre cele mai faimoase canale de navigație YouTube la Salonul de barca cu vele de la Annapolis din 2023. Mă întâlnesc la o întâlnire cu SV-freespirit, ParlayRevival, ,OddLifeCrafting, TaylorsTravels, Tulas Endless Summerend, MJ Sailing, SV Booger, Spear It Animal, SailLife, Distant Shores TV, Sailing Nahoa, Lazy Gecko Sailing, Sailing Ruby Rose, Learninf The Lines, Lauren Landers navighează, Sailing Yaba, Ryan și Sophie Sailing, Stil de viață la bord, Sailing The FarSide, SV Fair Isle , Teulu Tribe, Heidi și Franny Sailing, Beau And Brandy Sailing, Sailing Catalpa, David Shih Sailing, Sailing Dauntless, Calico Skies Sailing, Out Chasing Stars, Sailing Sundance 35-3, Sailing Zephyr, Andy and Kirstin Sailing, Sailing Avocet, Sailing Life on Jupiter, Sailing Wind Therapy, The Adventure Crews, Captain Boomies, Making Our Way, Sailing Dacia, When Sailing , Red Sea Sailing, I Dream of Dinghy, Rigging Doctor, Sailing Honu Time, Aron and Janet Sailing, Sailing CAVU, Project Atticus, Sailing Artemis, Sailing kindness. Am discutat despre noul motor diesel pentru restaurarea traulerului meu de buzunar Albin 27. Și discut despre bateriile cu litiu și despre siguranța Smart Plug pentru clădirea mea de iaht pilothouse. @sv-freespirit @ParlayRevival @OddLifeCrafting @TaylorsTravels @Tulasendlessssummer @MJSailing @SVBooger @SpearItAnimal @SailLife @DistantShoresTV @SailingNahoa @LazyGeckoSailing @sailingrubyrose @Learningrubyrose @LearningYProject @SailaurenTheabas @SaiuraAnimal Navigație @OnboardLifestyle @SailingTheFarSide @svfairisle @TeuluTribe @HeidiandFranny @BeauAndBrandy @SailingCatalpa @david_shih @SailingDauntless @CalicoSkiesSailing @OutChasingStars @SailingSundance35-3 @SailingZephyr @AndyandKirstin @sailingavocet @SailingLifeonJupiter @SailingWindTherapy @OutChasingStars @AdventureuromiaWhesling @CaptainuromiaWhes @RedSeas @idreamofdinghy @RiggingDoctor @sailinghonutime @AronJanetSailing @SailingCAVU @ProjectAtticus @Sailing .Artemis @sailingkindness @battlebornbatteries @SampsonBoatCo Bine ați venit pe canalul meu de construcție de bărci! Aceasta este restaurarea mea de trauler a unui trauler de buzunar Albin 27. La fiecare două săptămâni, postez un videoclip privind construcția unei ambarcațiuni sau repararea unei ambarcațiuni pentru a documenta diferite proiecte de ambarcațiuni, restaurări de bărci cu pânze sau reparații de ambarcațiuni. **MotorCity Boat Werks nu are sponsori și nu primește nicio compensație de la niciuna dintre mărcile prezentate sau recomandate. ** Asigurați-vă că dați like și vă abonați. Întrebările sau comentariile pot fi trimise prin secțiunea de comentarii sau la: 📧–contact.html Donații sau pentru a vă alătura grupului The Werkers (clubul fanilor): #boatprojects #boatrefit #boatrestoration #boatbuilding #trawlervlog #trawler #boatlife #sailboatrestoration #sailboatrefit #boatworkstoday #waverover #motorcityboatwerks Videoclipurile mele sunt similare cu lucrările de restaurare a bărcilor. Astăzi; Videoclipurile mele sunt similare cu videoclipurile de restaurare a proiectelor de ambarcațiuni precum Boat Works Today; Proiectul Brupeg; Sampson Boat Co; Proiectul Duracell; Proiectul Duracell; Vara nesfârșită a lui Tula; Sailing Delos; Sail Life; Călătorește cu Geordie; SV Seeker; Pericol Marine; Prima mea barcă; Sailing Dawn Hunters; Căutând mări; Sailing Flying Coney; AYO Pescuit; Peter Slack; Sail Life; Sălbatic Sailing; Viața pe carene; Navigator Wave Rover; SV Tapatya; LOJO Pescuit; Navigator Wave Rover; Mack furios; Sailing Lahakai BoatWerks Tema: „Începe de pensionare anticipată” de Ryan Muns Eyes on the Moon Studios
Ce s-a întâmplat când am dat degetul la 50 de canale de navigație YouTube? (Ep56)

4 thoughts on “Ce s-a întâmplat când am dat degetul la 50 de canale de navigație YouTube? (Ep56)”
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Hello Joe. I'm glad to see you going with the Kubota. The Smart Plug looks good.
A comment about Battle Born batteries. They "assemble" their batteries in Nevada using foreign made components for things like the cells and BMS boards. They do that because there are currently effectively no US made BMS boards or cells with the possible exception of some proprietary BMS boards the high end battery assemblers use. Another thing is that as far as I know very few LiFePO4 battery assemblers produce batteries that are actually UL listed. Many use UL listed cells, but I have only found a few high end batteries where the full battery is UL listed. Furthermore, even the builders that produce fully UL listed batteries do not have all of their batteries UL listed. Relion and Lithionics for example do produce fully UL listed batteries, but not all their models are UL listed. So beware. Also, remember that if you go lithium, you will still want a lead acid starting battery for the diesel engine and a DC:DC charger to interconnect the lead acid and lithium battery banks.
As far as diesel engines go Nani is also a good marinizer that uses Kubota engines. They are very similar to Beta Marine, but may offer a better price. The big players are, of course, Yanmar and Volvo-Penta. when I repowered my 33' wooden powerboat I went with a Volvo-Penta because of size and, of course, price considerations. I had zero issues with that engine over the 8 years I ha the boat after repowering.
Looks like you enjoyed the Show and probably got some good hookups! Stay Motivated!
KubOta, not KobUta.