DEscoperim SEALIFE!!! Pregătirea și transportul barca cu pânze!! EP 15 #sailboatrefit

DEscoperim SEALIFE!!!  Pregătirea și transportul barca cu pânze!!  EP 15 #sailboatrefit

După un lung rând de 1 oră până la barcă (o briză puternică de toamnă și cotlet ocean este scuza mea), am avut o zi de navigație destul de spectaculoasă în noiembrie. A fost o ultimă explozie de vară și a fost foarte apreciată. Navigarea până la Bristol, RI pentru a transporta barca cu pânze a fost o sarcină înseninată de vremea minunată. E timpul să ridici barca cu pânze, să scoți pânzele, să scoți niște tachelaj și apoi să scoți barca cu pânze din apă a fost un proces destul de distractiv… deși era o rușine. Episodul detaliat care acoperă cutia de umplutură și cutia de umplutură fără picături aici: ============== Sprijină-ne ============= = Îți place ceea ce facem și vrei să ajutăm?? Deveniți sponsor Patreon: ============== Conectează-te cu noi ============== https:/ / ============== MARFĂ VANĂTORI DE YACHT ––– https://www. ==============Segmente============== 00:00 Introducere 01:00 Navigare spre nord! 2:59 Scoaterea pânzelor de pe barca cu pânze 7:04 Transportarea bărcii cu pânze 8:55 Spălarea cu energie a fundului barca cu pânze 11:31 Foaie de calcul pentru cheltuieli partajate


29 thoughts on “DEscoperim SEALIFE!!! Pregătirea și transportul barca cu pânze!! EP 15 #sailboatrefit

  1. I love the boatyard blues sound track . The lift out gives me a warm fuzzy feeling. Methinks i like it more than the lift in. Theres something Squirelly about stepping the mast and getting her under cover for the winter.

  2. Get a beautiful lady co host with a bekini tha will help with increasing your subscribers patrons views and thumbs up …😂😂😂😂😂 …

  3. Do most folks unstep in Maine for winter layup? Does anyone leave the boat on a mooring through the winter? Planning on sailing up this coming year and leaving the boat over winter somewhere up that way. One last question what's up with the shrink wrap?

  4. WOW… It's so wonderful to hear good music. Extremely tasteful and soothing to hear. Thank you so much and please share you music list and favorite musicians. Just Lovely.

  5. Randay! You really have a cool format and approach to the sailing youtube. There are so many cookie cutter channels in a crowded field. You sir, are out standing in a field! … that?

  6. I am not sure what it is but for some reason, I knew I was going to like your blog right from the first few minutes!! Maybe it's that soothing voice of yours : ) Plus, I love Mainers!

  7. The adventure continues! Curious about costs for such a large yacht, like how much for haul out and winter storage and how many gallons of bottom paint needed.

  8. I think you need a bigger knife!😅 Reminds me of the scene in Crocodile Dundee: "That's not a knife. THIS is a knife."

    I hauled my Precision 23 three years ago on Nov. 1st. It had ten inches of fresh snow in it. I'm always the last to go as well. The best sailing of the season is in the Fall.😊

  9. On an earlier episode, I think you said you moored in Westport, Ma. I've been in Noank, CT for the last few years but am thinking of moving to F.L. Tripp & Sons in Westport, Ma for 2024 summer season. Any helpful opinions you can give me regarding mooring and sailing in this area of Buzzards Bay next season?

  10. "Want some lunch.. let me dive down and harvest some mussels from the bow thruster."
    Also.. when talking about sailing in "November" on October 24th… are we talking about last November (2022?). I'm having a bit of trouble with my flux capacitor so my time machine is offline.
    Thanks Ran Day!

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