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Ep. 448 Navigarea cu ape cristaline într-un paradis panamez……și PLICITITISIT TIMP DE DUȘ!

21 thoughts on “Ep. 448 Navigarea cu ape cristaline într-un paradis panamez……și PLICITITISIT TIMP DE DUȘ!”
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Liked, subscribed, and commented!
Good fun Plucky
Nice as always
@SAILINGintoFREEDOM An update on the ODC48/elcano would be good. Or is there somewhere else to follow that? I was gunna build a Mumby, but liking the look on the odisea site, no idea on price.
Naomi is my all time favorite crew member!
And just how boring was that? Really?

Great video, keep 'em coming Plukky
Fair winds fella
Hi Peter my brother… It's wonderful to see Freedom sailing. Beautiful navigation close to the island, followed by a beautiful anchor maneuver. Watching your videos is always very inspiring. Good winds.
Beautiful video as usual Plukky. The girls are so sweet.
Correct, Naomi is gorgeous… such a natural soul… and she pairs with J so well… keepers each, but especially as a pair. Makes your channel fun for anyone to watch…
Liked! Subscribed!! Commented!!! the girls seem to work well together, keep'em on the straight and narrow i can see these two getting out of control in an instant.
I soloed my Cal 25’ for 3 hours today in 15 knots and it got a little hectic. If only I had skilled crew like Naomi to help keep me company. Sigh.
Beautiful smiles. Love the little islands in the middle of nowhere.
Content just gets better.
Peter ! You are having far too much fun ! Ha Ha Ha Ha !
T and A, it’s quality people’s, nothing but Quality!
I’ve always loved this channel, but you 3 have really stepped it up 1000% GREAT VIDEOS
Shower time is boring?

Yet another great video there Plukky and yes the soo boring showers that happen when out sailing in tropical areas…
Love the summer vibes coming in this time of the year…
Great video Peter, Jay reminds me a bit of Alita battle angel. Google it, you'll see!