Partea violentă a Greciei | S08E32

Partea violentă a Greciei |  S08E32

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Ochelari de soare: Cod de reducere HPATTICUS Dinghy: Boom, Furler, Whisker Pole: Sails: https: // Ancoră primară: Pompă de urgență Edson Marine: Prognoza meteo: Keen Footwear:

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20 thoughts on “Partea violentă a Greciei | S08E32

  1. Luckily tourists tend to flock together in certain 'special' places. It's still pretty easy to find non-touristy places in Europe, thank God. We've been here 5 years, and still enjoy every minute of our expat, sailing life.

  2. Great narration and filming, as usual. Your B-roll is really well put together, better than many other channels "A" roll!. By the way, the float plan you mentioned is on our list, too. If it works out go for it, you will be so glad you did.We're all looking forward to hearing how it goes in Boston, too. You deserve the best outcome possible for your family. Namaste.

  3. In Fl, Fort Barancas in Pensacola & etc…they have similar examples of the "cellar design " you found in the abandoned ruins. If I remember correctly, those areas of the arched design, is for "ammo storage".

    The less populated places are absolutely beautiful! Thank you for sharing / safe travels ❤️🙏

  4. The rock on those hills was not there several thousand years ago. It was created by erosion from farming using the mold board plow. This was the farming method back then. However, the erosion has completely stripped the soil away to nothing. Today with farming using the methods I implemented on my farm, there is zero erosion of the soil. It took 20 years of dedicated development effort to learn how to do this using some of the best research minds the earth has created. But we did it. I am proud of the achievement. It is too late for this region. The soil is gone forever. If we could create soil from these rocks, then the farming methods I use in Washington state would work as well in Greece.

    Hope you enjoyed the history of farming.

  5. The biggest problem on the horizon is Isabella's condition and the end of your boat life in exchange for medical bills. Sad decision indeed. You're allowed to feel anxious!!!

  6. This episode was one of the most beautiful I've seen–it seemed like every shot was filmed in golden magic-hour light. Loved the history and geography lessons, and also hearing about your possible future plans in the Pacific. Safe travels!

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