BINE… iată ce s-a întâmplat cu adevărat | EE 138

BINE... iată ce s-a întâmplat cu adevărat |  EE 138

Iată ce sa întâmplat. A fost bine, nu a fost atât de bine. Este timpul să oferim o actualizare de viață și un ANUNȚ! Vă iubesc pe toți, fiți în siguranță, fiți buni! Brett Jade Dingo și Penny @ExpeditionEvans #BoatLife #sustainability #TravelVlog #DigitalNomad #LifeStyle #sailboats #TinyHouse #offgrid #diy #alone #offgridliving ********************* ******************* Dacă ai venit aici în căutarea link-urilor noastre Amazon, ești un tip special de om minunat. Vă mulțumim că le-ați verificat! Produsele pe care le folosim și iubim: Produsele pe care le dorim 😁: **************** ************************ *Echipamentul nostru* Camera principală: Obiectiv principal: /3cwZRkl Microfon: Go Pro: Dronă: Laptop: *Găsește-ne În altă parte* Facebook: Jade Instagram: Brett Instagram: EE Instagram: https:/ / Dingo Instagram: Penny Instagram: TikTok: *Site web/blog* *Vrei să ne sprijini?” https ://


44 thoughts on “BINE… iată ce s-a întâmplat cu adevărat | EE 138

  1. Good to hear Jade is feeling better. I went through a very tough time in a bad marriage with someone who it appears has an undiagnosed personality diorder and was highly manipulative. I found a mixture of bouts talking of therapy, with carefully chosen open minded, supportive therapists, very helpful. I needed learn how to think, how to respond or not, and to recognise my own reponses. So I hope you can keep looking for support, for ideas.

  2. Brett on autopilot, or maybe Brett to tower, SoS it's Brett …
    Jade when feeling lost,upset,or just down look towards that beautiful horizon and there you will find a happy place.

  3. Ignore the trolls! Love the whole project so far. I would definitely subscribe to Engineering Evans! I love the process of building, figuring it out and learning the "need to know" to get the job done. DO IT! and make sure to let us all know! keep up the great videos.

  4. good for you! i’m so glad you have the courage and resources to build a life where you thrive! it was worth a try to know for sure and i’m glad you found a solution that works well for you! i am one of those people who was able to go off meds after resolving food intolerances and doing somatic trauma therapy and also i understand firsthand how life-saving and essential ongoing meds can be for those who need them. we are all beautifully unique and complex and on our own journeys! we should never have to explain ourselves and our needs or choices to others! sending all my love to you both! ❤

  5. Hey Brett you have man bun, so call your channel the" bun man extras " I think that freaky cool name. I would wear a shirt 👕 with that

  6. I continue to remain amazed with Brett’s calmness, and it reminds me of a phrase used during pilot training. It goes “A mid air collision will ruin your whole day:’

  7. Thank you for sharing your experiences. The stigma with mental health is a universal problem in life that we all deal with in one form or another. It’s great that you found the strength to share these issues with others. This can only lead to understanding and positive thinking. Engineering Evans has a great ring to it. Cheers

  8. Hi both. Well done. Said before ignore the knockers they are jealous sad folks who can't get out of bed and make life fun so they just try and rubbish those who do.
    We last heard of you in the azorse. Heading for europe. How was that part of the crossing ??
    Best of luck with the project. It looks great.
    Have fun.. Love and laughter !!!

  9. Thank You for sharing. We are here for you and support you. And I love your project videos. Can't wait to see your newest creation. I appreciate your sharing but you owe us nothing of your personal life. And no one should ever be negative or judgemental about your experiences.

  10. As a person with Bi-polar disorder with multiple cycles (some worse than others, and when they all align, terrifying), I did much the same as you did, eliminated an allergy causing food item, and then later when I physically recovered from it, wondering if it added to or caused my bi-polar disorder. Like you I discovered that nope, it's def not the cause, and the hospital stay was the definitive proof of it. I hate having to take a medication to make me, me.. but the alternative for me is much much worse. Good on you for being so open. And good on you for being willing to admit that yep, it's not X or Y causing it, it's Z and ain't a whole lot you can do to be free of it except stay on your medications. I hated discovering that myself, wasted a lot of time I otherwise could have enjoyed.

  11. Comments for Brett's channel

    1. Nautical Wrench
    2. Captain Cog
    3. SeaSpanner
    4. Buoyant Gearhead
    5. Tidal Toolmaster
    6. Oceanic Mechanix
    7. Maritime Mechanist
    8. Harbor Handyman
    9. WaveWrench
    10. Aquatic Engineer

  12. I started watching your channel when I saw the episode about you buying the boat. I love what you have done. I would love to see Brett do a more techincal channel. Keep up the great work, I'll follow regardless of what you decide.!

  13. Question. The work you are planning on doing to the back of the boat. What does it do to the balance. Does it make it heavier in the stern? Was wondering if it would affect the sailing capabilities of your boat.

  14. Easy Composites is a supplier in the UK and they have an amazing yt channel. They do awesome projects, and a colab would be rad if you can pull it off.

  15. I really like the name "Expedition Evans Application Brett" On a side note I am glad you figured out what you was needed for yourselves to be able to be your best you. I lived with someone who was constantly going on and off medications for depression and that was so hard to deal with that I had a breakdown. When I run into others who are talking about this issue I am glad to find out about good outcomes for people as mine was not quite so. But everyone involved is getting better but now independently and apart as that is what was the best way.

  16. Bret – GREAT IDEA!!! Your engineering competency should be showcased. I cannot wait to see what you are into.

  17. Hey Brett, pilots are in a much higher demand than another utube channel. I see you talk quite a bit about your passion for flying. If you have the hours, get a haircut and start applying. You will have a great career and schedule in aviation and still be able to run your sailing channel as a hobby. It took me 10 years to get to the big boys league. Now a days you can do it in less than 2. Just an idea

  18. I started watching about the time you published the video about the you tube police problems. I got my wife into it so we decided to go back to the beginning. When we got caught up it sort of left a void so we started watching spearit animal. What a difference in the channels, not a bad thing. Just different. Im sure you have already gotten input from them we are not sailors nor youtubers. Just people looking for entertainment. We have been entertained. Looking forward to more from you and we hope spearit animal starts posting soon too. Down with the trolls and haters. Make sure they don't have something constructive to add. If not, ignore them. Evans extra was my thought as well. I enjoy the broadness of your channel but a little "extra"cant hurt, right. Keep them coming. By the way, the first thing my wife said when she heard you were making an announcement…"she's pregnant". LOL.

  19. Thank you both for the honesty about a very private matter. You two are great, so not let the trolls get to you- yes, definitely easier said than done. Wishing you both the best. I love the videos. I am looking forward to the hardtop project. I will say, and no I am not an engineer, nor do I own a boat, but am a little worried about the effects the hardtop will have on the boat and its stability- especially when heeling over., even if made out of carbon fiber. Can’t wait to see it still!

  20. First and foremost I’m glad to hear you are both doing well, I know I was starting to worry.

    You guys might be interested in talking with MotorCity Boat Werks here on YouTube, he has done a small dodger on a Com-Pac 16 and then a large one on a trawler.

    I like Engineering Evans, but maybe even something as simple as “Brett Does” could be fun. I for one, would absolutely be a subscriber on the deep dive technical channel.

    Thanks for the inspiration you have fueled in me. 84’ O’Day 23 revival going on now, and a much larger vessel is the idea for the future.

  21. Thank you both for explaining your depression. My daughter in her mid forties, has treatment resistant major depression. We do what your mom does to help her. The more people learn about depression the better it will be for society. From one pilot to another, build that airplane! Peace to you both..

  22. What happened with your crew mate she seemed so fun and love watching your videos since you started and didn't think that there was a cool girl out there like Jade and Jade was 1 of a kind then you brought on (Aona) i think was her name and her and Jade seemed so much alike it was unreal. Theres 2 one of a kind girls that are really down to earth and so nice n you normally dont see that out very pretty girls. N Brent is very cool guy and very smart so i can see how he was so lucky to find 2 of the most nice, cool, pretty and down to earth girls to cross a ocean with and lucky that 1 of them (Jade) is his wife….. Hope that all made sense lol. Just thought she was going to be in more videos…… Also very proud of you Jade to speak on your depression and glad that you are feeling better some days are harder than others of course but you don't let show ( or hide it well in the videos) mad props to you and keep up the good work pushing through!!! Wishing you both nothing but the best!!!

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