Cum ne permitem să navigăm în jurul lumii (Boat Parts Unboxing) | Sailing Sitka Ep 86

Cum ne permitem să navigăm în jurul lumii (Boat Parts Unboxing) |  Sailing Sitka Ep 86

Cum ne permitem să navigăm în larg în jurul lumii. În acest episod din Sailing Sitka, facem un despachetare a pieselor și a produselor de barcă care ne ajută să realizăm visul de a naviga în jurul lumii. Sezonul 2 din Sailing Sitka va veni săptămâna viitoare!! Rămâneți pe fază, vă rugăm să vă abonați, să dați like și să comentați. Link pentru stația electrică portabilă Bluetti 👉 Link pentru produse 👉 Link Patreon👉


29 thoughts on “Cum ne permitem să navigăm în jurul lumii (Boat Parts Unboxing) | Sailing Sitka Ep 86

  1. Yes, definitely an up-and-coming channel.. I’ve been watching you for a couple years. I’m starting to look forward to it.🎉

  2. We said screw it and broke down and bought same washdown pump setup this summer and love it!!! Tons of pressure and no more muddy/stinky chain locker. I will say nozzle sucks get a normal garden hose nozzle if you can, and also don't forget and leave it on while cruising (it shuts off when it builds pressure) we left it on and sucked up seaweed in route clogged sea strainer and it was trying to build pressure for hrs (couldnt without water) and almost burnt up to hot to even touch it. I was pissed but it lived hope it helps guys enjoy

  3. Got yourself some great new gear for the boat. I'm looking forward to seeing some videos of the refit, then getting her back in the water. I spent a few hours yesterday out on the water learning more about sailing. I can't wait to get a boat !!

  4. I know that you are back at "Sitka" by now, you must have had quit the load of luggage for your trip back, hope it didn't play you out, lol. What do I hope to see besides the beautiful Kenna and not so beautiful Jay, is more of your life as you cruise, and repair/ maintain "Sitka". I hope she came through the stormy season without any damage. I really like following you as you do what I wish I was able to do. May the winds be in your favor as you get back to playing in the waves.

  5. Much love and support from Nanaimo me and my gf are seriously considering this life and watching these help ! How did you trust chuck with all these valuables?

  6. Love you two. Your warmth, transparency and humble approach is awesome. Keeping it real and showing it is possible for others.

  7. Super excited for you guys!!! You guys are already in Mexico working away. I happened to grab quick glance of a new cedar, hoping it bring in mucho mahi-mahi.

  8. Like Christmas morning with boat parts! Can’t wait to see these items actually make it down to Guaymas and Sitka, and not get stuck with Chuck 😂

  9. I have to say you two are amazing. This video was awesome, showing and talking about the realities of living your dreams. So many channels out there go to great lengths to highlight just the most dramatic parts (good and bad) of their lives for maximum entertainment draw. You guys work even harder with your channel to show the real life contents whether it be good or bad, goofy or emotional. I really appreciate you "keeping it real" and allowing all of us to live this dream ourselves vicariously through you. You have our greatest respect and admiration for all you do and share with us. Please keep up the great work and remember to take a bit of time to imagine and experience the wonders of your life through the eyes of your loving fans as well. Stay safe, stay happy and stay 'You'.

  10. Yay, im all caught up now. Woohoo. Haha. Thats some really good stuff you have got for your boat. Life can only get better 🙏. Lol. SV Kiwi Lady Opua Bay of islands New Zealand👍🏿

  11. You guys are STARS! Every week I think WOW you guys are gonna make your dreams and do it in style!!!!!

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