Toby Hodges face un tur al celui de-al patrulea picior de 96 de picioare al Southern Wind cu linii de la Farr și un ruf GT joasă și un aspect dezvoltat de Nauta. ► Deveniți un ABONAT GRATUIT la pagina YouTube a Yachting World acum – ► Pentru cele mai recente recenzii, lansări de echipamente noi și știri despre tur, vizitați site-ul nostru: http:// ► Dă-ne Like pe Facebook aici – ► Urmărește-ne pe Twitter la: ► Simțiți-vă liber să comentați mai jos! ► Amintiți-vă să apăsați butonul de LIKE dacă v-a plăcut
Crusierul de carbon bluewater cu propulsie hibridă | Turul Southern Wind 96 | Lumea Yachtingului

26 thoughts on “Crusierul de carbon bluewater cu propulsie hibridă | Turul Southern Wind 96 | Lumea Yachtingului”
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Cool yacht, thanks for the review!

Can't imagine the wealth for someone to own such a boat
saw her in cape town in march being commisioned fab looking boat from a distance
Amazing boat ! Very impressed ! What’s the selling price at ?
Interesting. Sounds like a serial hybrid then.
im looking at a turbo on a cumnins center line why again ?
'Reckon I could have a couple of these when I sell my Mirror dinghy.
This is really nice. The people who built this did a great job!!!
2000 kg pro Meter Länge, bisschen schwer für ein Carbonschiff
I would really like to see what kind of yacht they could create by eliminating all the bathrooms, imo living on a boat is different from living on land so again imo they need to eliminate land comforts that imo aren’t needed at sea. There are too many bathrooms and showers on yachts, eliminating most of them will create larger sleeping berths for the owners guests and crew. The owners and their guests need a bath/head and the crew needs a bath/head. Two bath/heads maximum per boat no matter if it’s a 50 foot yacht or a 96 foot yacht, draw it up SW, I’m sure you’ll see my point and a new future in yachting will be born, one that eliminates waste, and turns that waste into larger common areas and sleeping berths for all sailing on the vessel.
Am I missing something… You have a bank of batteries for the hybrid motor with seawater acting as a conductor in the event of flooding. Added to that is the carbon fibre . It seems like a massive fire risk to me.
Ah, the very expensive and salty Wave-drive Washing Machine™ to throw anyone still standing overboard. I continue to wonder how, after decades of Vendée Globe boats having protected cockpits, stuff like this continues to be built.

they spent more time on fake comments than the actual tour
No way it charges the batteries 100% in 20minutes. Someone lied to you.
My owners briefs are y-fronts.
Silent running through the night presumably with AC running, then full galley load in the morning for guests, only then when you motor do you need to charge for 20 minutes to get from 20% to 80% whilst there is power being drawn for anchoring/manoeuvring etc and only one generator available for charge (presuming the 2nd is solely for drive)? Surely there’s either a battery bank the size of a family house hidden in that boat somewhere or some dubious numbers being used here! What is the bank capacity?
That you need to crawl in on your stomach to get into the engine room on a 96 footer is ridiculous. This whole boat is silly.
Incredible design ….. beautiful
Thanks for the tour. I need one of these.
Let’s be specific. There is unsealed plywood at every single turn. At this price the stringers are likely glued in and not laid up.
The status of the stringers must become the FIRST data point.
Followed by plywood and stainless steel nails, or not.
Beautiful build.
Not sure what frame rate youre filming at or what else could cause it but there was a lot of blur while panning around the kitchen. Might be better to shoot in 60 for these tours rather than 24/30 if youre getting blur in those hasty movements? Just a thought!