Am avut multe defecțiuni ale sistemului de traversare a oceanelor la prima noastră încercare de a traversa Pacificul. Săptămâna aceasta ne agățăm în LA, în timp ce depanăm defecțiunile majore ale sistemului și problemele mecanice pe care le-am confruntat în încercarea de a naviga de la San Francisco la Honolulu. Poate că ne-am lovit de câteva obstacole, dar simțim că având o atitudine bună și abordând o sarcină la un moment dat, vom putea ajunge în Hawaii nu este momentul! URMĂȚI VIDEOCLIPILE NOASTRE ÎN TRAVERSAREA OCEANULUI PARTEA ÎNTÂI: PARTEA A DOUA: Mergeți la Pagina noastră Patreon, unde cei mai mari susținători ai noștri contribuie la realizarea acestor videoclipuri.
Instagram- Și asigură-te că te abonezi la canalul nostru de youtube! Ne place să navigam și ne place să vă aducem cu noi. Sperăm că putem aduce bucurie și inspirație în ziua ta cu fiecare episod pe care îl împărtășim. Citim fiecare comentariu, așa că vă rugăm să ne trimiteți o notă pentru a ne spune ce credeți! Vă rugăm să vă abonați la canalul nostru pentru a putea continua să vă oferim cel mai bun conținut posibil.
So sorry you all are having so many projects to work on but I’m sure you’ll get it all done and learn a lot on the way.
Aloha! Regarding your diesel engine issues. If you haven't already thought of it I highly recommend you have the fuel tank "polished" before you set out again. My experience with fuel tanks on boats that have been on the hard or in a slip without use for an extended length of time build up algae, especially in tanks that are not full. Once the boat is underway for several hours the movement of the boat causes the algae to break free from the sides of the tank and eventually clogs the fuel filter(s). Changing the fuel filters will help but depending on the amount of algae in the tank it could clog the new filter(s). The process of "Polishing" runs all the fuel in the tank through finer and finer filters until all the "gunk" has been filtered out and you're left with crystal clear fuel. Fortunately, you're in LA where there are likely several vendors who polish fuel. Hope this helps. Fair winds and following seas. Rick,
Thank You for a Great video this week. Looking forward to maybe seeing your sails
on the Horizon from our lanai. Lol. Might be a bit of a stretch from here on the Big Island. But it would be fun to see.
, Aloha from the Big Island of Hawaii! Aloha
Ok until next time
Good to see you back
Always carry extra fuel filters on board as you never know the condition of diesel around the world !!
Start the motor to run the pump. Omg
Great job starting all the projects & great video!
Electric primer will help. then crack all the diesel lines and the jobs a gooden
please forgive my rudeness but you would benefit from toning down the eyebrow makeup, really sorry., said as a friend..
So much better for the rest of the video when you show the blessing of natural beauty that you have been given…
love the content though
Look up passivation for stainless steel bleeding rust.
Please get a owner’s manual for your engine.Sometimes you have to rotate the engine a little to get the lift fuel pump to pump.Then bleed the air out of the filter that you replaced by manually pumping the lever on the lift pump with the bleeder loosened until fuel comes out then tighten the bleeder nut.You could google it.Please find instructions on the proper procedure
Keep your chin up and things will get better. Keeping you in my prayers.
Make sure you clean your fuel tanks, or the filters will clog as soon as you hit rough seas.
Anyone intelligent would spend at least 2 months with a new boat coastal cruising, to learn what’s wrong with the boat. Never attempt an ocean crossing on day one!
You need to leave the seacock closed until you start your motor if not you will flood your engine with sea water because it takes exhaust to blow the water out the back of the boat. If you fill the exhaust up it will fill the rear cylinders with water and it can bend your rods, once it starts then you open the seacock
I hope you get things up and running soon. Without breaking the bank too! How's mom doing after the first attempt? She seems like such a trooper.
Ah the trials and tribulations, I've missed your narrations!

I would have cut the filters open check for slippery algae. Don’t rely on someone polishing your fuel. And then take this dangerous trip. Ok for coastal cruising. To many time I paid for a fix to only pay again same fix. Ok now you see sails need repair. You a captain it’s on you to make sure the vessel is ready. People die when things aren’t right. Education is costly I just happy returned safely.
Hi guys, Sailing should really be renamed Repairing
Great to have the assistance of Seths parents on occasions like this. Stay Safe & Fair Winds!!