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Ep. 449 Cea mai frumoasă destinație de navigație din Caraibe

20 thoughts on “Ep. 449 Cea mai frumoasă destinație de navigație din Caraibe”
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Okay, now I'm really confused. Is this a time machine video? Parlay Revival? How old is this?
Great ep there, Peter! New crew is really working hard!
How old is this now?
i like scrappy and bet she can scrap…i’ll go out on a limb and bet she adds a lot to your channel, and is great crew and a real trooper…
good job recruiting !
That's a good-looking crew Plukky.
So you failed to mention the location of the most beautiful place in the Caribbean, which is? And why do you think that it is the most beautiful place?
Because someone gave you a gallon of epoxy? I don’t need epoxy on my boat, I don’t have that problem, I thought it out before I bought my boat it’s aluminum. Glass is for dining and drinking from not building boats.
Awesome video!
Followed! Liked!subscribed! Commented!
Fantastic Episode.
Keep up the good work, hope you’re plans are coming to fruition and you’re doin well.
Love it, Love it, Love it! Haven't heard any updates on the boat build. I am getting antsy!
Hey Peter, 'Dude'? Ya got'a see this one, really good kite surfing vid, and not hard to look at…. A great Big Cheers to ya Mate! https://www.youtube.com/shorts/1UMIXP5XxiQ?feature=share
I really look forward to the boat build once it starts but these blast from the past are great to see too. I also enjoyed the up to date videos from Greece you did. Recently I started following like 5 different boat build/projects channels dropped 2 of them since they were boring but I know the best one will be yours Peter. keep at it and the subscribers will grow, seems like many people are more into watching boat projects than boat life in beautiful locations I am lucky I like to watch both. Hope all is great and I'm looking forward to get some update soon.
I hope scrappy stays for a while.
Plukky, I'm back. James told us it would take a month. But it took 6 weeks. So, I'm playing catch-up.