Lovirea unei FURTUNE MARE în Costa Rica: cea mai rea zi a noastră vreodată [Making Our Way Ep 108]

Lovirea unei FURTUNE MARE în Costa Rica: cea mai rea zi a noastră vreodată [Making Our Way Ep 108]

Ei spun în croazieră că maximele sunt ridicate și minimele sunt scăzute, iar săptămâna aceasta, avem gustul cel mai extrem al acestei dualități intense atunci când lovim o furtună. Alăturați-vă nouă când suntem prinși în cele mai proaste condiții pe care le-am experimentat vreodată și apoi scufundați-vă cu o rază leopard în cele mai limpezi ape pe care le-am văzut de la Baja. cele mai recente videoclipuri de navigație | cele mai noi vloguri de navigație| navigare vlog-uri pe youtube | navigand cu caini | cele mai bune vloguri noi de navigație | cele mai bune videoclipuri noi de navigație | nou canal de navigație | youtube sailing cupluri | cele mai bune vloguri de navigație de pe youtube | cele mai bune bloguri de navigație | canale de navigație youtube | #sailiing #sailingaroundtheworld #sailingvia #sailingwithdogs #sailingvideo #boatlife #nouestsailingvlogs #sailingcostarica #cruisinglife #costarica


20 thoughts on “Lovirea unei FURTUNE MARE în Costa Rica: cea mai rea zi a noastră vreodată [Making Our Way Ep 108]

  1. Looks like you got what we call "Snow Globed" – like you took one of those touristy keepsakes and shook it up good.. I was well shocked that the auto pilot drove with no issues and held up. It's a B&G – I forget did you put a hydraulic ram or is electric control arm? pretty legit whatever it is…

  2. Was in Coast Guard on 82' in Viet Nam. Waves as big as mountains. Respected whoever designed them cuz I was expecting the 82' to turn into two 41'ers. Ocean can be scary and have to respect it. Hey, looks like you didn't get seasick.

  3. Good video, wondering if you would be better off with a tiny headsail, like they did in the old days. We are in Madeira, headed for Brazil, hopefully we will meet up one day.

  4. I remember when I was working on a cargo ship from Seattle going down to Dutch Harbor. We where met by a huge storm going across the gulf of Alaska. The ship was pitching 45 degrees, that was extremely scary, I know how you were feeling. ❤❤❤

  5. That was quite a storm. You two positioned the boat well. Side bar, what did you use to mount your fortress anchor on the port stern? Looks like a great place for a secondary anchor. 👍

  6. Buy yourselves a storm jib if you don't have one! Triple reef the main or use a trisail. Small investment in safety, you will hardly ever use them, but our 29 foot sailboat could go to windward perfectly under control in gusts up to 60 knots for sixty miles! And you don't get the excessive pitching in a short steep sea trying to go to windward because sail always gives a smoother ride compared to motoring to windward. And if you get caught with a lee shore, you are safe! (I'm a 72 year old sailor). Regards Murray and Jean.

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