Demontare CAP și o punte de lemn

Demontare CAP și o punte de lemn

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21 thoughts on “Demontare CAP și o punte de lemn

  1. I always thought that the aft topside cabin was hideously out of place on your salty old trawler. Glad to see that we're in agreement. She's gonna be a really cool looking vessel someday. A motorized steel fishing trawler, fully rigged to sail.

  2. I can't believe the scope of work here. Is there still any viable option to sell or scrap the boat? You are looking at so much work going forward.

  3. I bet there’s times you wished you never pulled out the bulkheads and deck heads. But it’s good that you did, now you can see the extent of the rot.

    Hats off to you two, by still carrying on regardless. 👍👍

  4. When you’re pointing out how parts of the boat was constructed over time. It tells you a story. Just like old buildings, where the authorities wants you to build something modern, if you’re extending the building. 👍👍

  5. Why don't you finish a part of the hull and install a cabin as intended for later to live in there? Installing a temporary cabin again in the aft space is a lot of work, money and waste for nothing to me. I believe everyone needs also to think about the environmental impact of building something and the temporary cabin is just waste later on. I see of course that the replacement of the entire deck will influence the installation of a cabin in the hull as well. As the coming winter doesn't allow to lower the aft deck house or part of the deck replacement I'm asking myself if the wooden deck has not been visible before when you removed the interior below. Replacing the deck in parts and covering the gap with glued foil and insulating wood would be a better and more straight forward way to me.

  6. It seems like to me you take one step forward and two back! You have lots more drive than 98% of the people out there. It is very interesting to watch, but I must say, I am glad it is you. I think you are doing an amazing job!

  7. Well, its great that the leakage is going to get fixed. I would look and see if you could source sheet metal that is thick enough for a deck, and get some I-beams to reinforce the sheet metal for the deck. Either that or reuse some steel. If you were to buy 10mm thick sheet metal, it would cost you like 27k for 100m2 (at least the place where im looking (limtrade(seems to have good steel profiles and sheets))). But then its all good probably.

    This welding job can be done for cheap if you know how to weld.

    Thank you for uploading, and I hope you will have a shower to enjoy in the boat soon. I am getting a bathroom job done myself, so now i have to shower elsewhere, so I know how it is (and I do hope they will finish/repair the bathroom soon). Now its not like I'm just going for a shower, now you have to go for the other shower.. Happy its there.. 🙂



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