Prima velă a sezonului… | Ep. 229

Prima velă a sezonului... |  Ep.  229

După ce a ieșit din Basin Cove cu ajutorul domnului Tohatsu, a doua zi zorii zdrențuiți, cenușii, înfățișați și umezi. Dar este singura zi cu vânt decent în prognoză și nu o pierd. Așa că am o navigare „distractivă” spre unul dintre locurile mele de ancorare preferate din Harpswell, Maine. Odată ancorat în golful Quahog, sezonul de croazieră 2023-24 începe oficial… cu mai multă muncă, firește. Frigiderul îmi dă probleme, așa că instalez un nou regulator de temperatură Isotherm ITC. ASISTENȚĂ CUM SĂ NAVIGAȚI OCEANE PE PATREON: CUM SĂ NAVIGAȚI OCEANE PE RUMBLE: CUM SĂ NAVIGAȚI OCEANE TEE-SHIR: https: // DONATE: SITE WEB: COLONI SONORE VIDEO: https://soundcloud. com/user-177118317 CAMERE: Canon EOS 60D cu obiectiv zoom EF 24-105mm L IS Go Pro Hero 7 Black DRONE: DJI Phantom 3 Professional BARCA: Design: Gilmer 31; LOD 31′, LWL 25′, Grinda 9,5′, Pescaj 4,5′, Displ. 13.600 lbs.


20 thoughts on “Prima velă a sezonului… | Ep. 229

  1. As you may remember, my everyday hobby is electronics, so this was a most interesting video for me. I am going to rewatch it to better understand what you are doing. Early on in my career, I was a technical writer, and created manuals that were intended to instruct the reader as to how to do certain things, which wasn't always easy. Thus, I am inclined to point out that you got the thing working, so maybe the instructions weren't as bad as you thought. 😀 Maybe???

  2. Love the sailing , good information about the fridge stuff. Good to know. Thanks. Best wishes for the new season. I just hauled out for the winter here in Norway, lots of good footage to turn into sailing videos gathered, the fun bit is done, now it's maintenance and editing over the winter. I am impressed that you manage to stay on top of your video editing while cruising full time. You are the best YouTube sailor out there. The rest of us is nothing but static in comparison. Best regards from Jarle

  3. What a soggy start to the season! That's a creative maneuver with the anchor. Is that an Isotemp 3251 SP ITC system? I am about to buy one with the thru hull cooler. I have an Pacific Seacraft Orion 27.

  4. Thanks Kevin, very nice ' crappy day ' sail
    although it was reasonably comfortable from my position, the lounge chair, lol
    nice anchor-tak by the way 👏

  5. To one of the best sailors I watch, it's definitely not about the motoring. You may could build aluminum floatation into your outboard bracket to keep her high and dry in moderate waves.

  6. Congrats on another start. Handy little anchor trick. I already miss your sails but new ones have so much more power. Fair winds captain. looking foward to another season. thank you for sharing.

  7. Ruth Avery looks funny with a white mainsail. That's going to take some time to get used to. I would never have thought of using an anchor to get out of irons.

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