Suntem pe cale să fim atacați de PIRAȚI? |E86

Suntem pe cale să fim atacați de PIRAȚI?  |E86

Navigam prin cele mai periculoase ape pentru piraterie din Caraibe, coasta Venezuelei. În fiecare an, există rapoarte despre iahturi atacate și îmbarcate de pirați în această zonă. Știm că pirateria este o amenințare reală pe această coastă, dar cei mai mulți navigăm prin aceste ape periculoase, deoarece trebuie să mergem mai departe pentru a ajunge în Insulele Olandeze, doar pentru a ne da seama că este terifiant! *Vrei să ne susții?” Patreon: Cumpără Salsa a Coffee☕🧡: Lista de dorințe Amazon: com/hz/wishlist/ls/19Z7DS9CBDSFS?ref=cm_sw_em_r_un_un_AeI21emas0ICo PayPal:


20 thoughts on “Suntem pe cale să fim atacați de PIRAȚI? |E86

  1. A couple of things. First it looks as though you are not using a "leader". A piece of line generally heavier than the line on the reel. Try 30 pound or 40 pound fluorolcarbon. Next look for instructions on tying a "uni knot" on youtube. That should get you started., At some point you should consider changing your line to braid and look foe instructions on tying braided line to mono. Good luck

  2. My god! How terrifying to have unknown boats approach you in silence with spot lights blinding you. No wonder your heart was pounding!

    You deserve the "biggest" fish possible that experience! And at least one bottle of Rum!

    Hahaha 😄😄

  3. First of all, the identity of that vessel was not coast guard. They would have called you up on ch 16. It could have been local fishermen, just genuinely checking to see if you were ok. Maybe English was not their first language. Anyway you're ok. Thank you for sharing. Take care and all the very best.

  4. whew! Please research and develop a plan for defending your lives and boat. A very bright spotlight, spear guns, bear spray, whatever. Surely someone in the sailing community is an authority on defense procedures???

  5. I'm glad that you guys are safe. And you didn't get boarded. Now as for your fishing technique, well let's just say keep trying. Plus there are plenty of fishing videos on YouTube that can explain what you need to do to up your odds of landing a 🐟. Now about the fishing story "it was about my size!" Well you might need to work on that story to. OK you guys be safe and I'll see you next week. 😊

  6. Wow! You had me on the edge of my seat when those boats were approaching you guys in the middle of the night! Man i was totally spooked out over that!!
    Sooner or later you will catch a fish Sarah. Like anything else it is just time and experience. When you guys first started this journey, you had almost no experience at all sailing, and look how far you guys have come! Same with the fishing, it will happen, and someday you will become a pro like Kiki and be able target the wet fish as opposed to the dry fish!! lol. Oh you make me laugh Kiki, totally crack me up sometimes. 😀
    I am a big time animal lover of course, and that moment feeding that young bird, very special. That was awesome1 😀
    Again, thanks so much for sharing your lives out there living the dream.

    Be safe out there you guys!! 🥰🙏

  7. That was an exciting video. I can't imagine being approached in the middle of the night by another boat, glad you two are okay.

  8. Going anywhere near a "workers paradise" like venezuela is ALWAYS extremely dangerous. It's a very reliable way to become statistics. Odd you would risk that. Some boats are known to have a hiding den for young ladies. And they wouldn't go near venezuela under any circumstances.

  9. Glad you weren't harmed. Probably should have an emergency plan for unexpected company. You may have gotten their attention because you didn't have your nav lights on… you weren't looking normal. As much as their searchlight was blinding to you, you should have your own. At least so you can gather details of their vessel for evidence. God bless you and keep you safe

  10. Uiijujui ganz schön dramatisch in der Nacht einem Boot zu begegnen, geblendet von einem grellen Scheinwerfer. Puh alles gut ausgegangen.Die Dunkelheit , das schwarze Wasser sieht bedrohlich aus.Am Tag danach ist der Schreck vergessen und alles sieht wieder normal aus. Mit dem angeln klappt es auch irgendwann. Es liegt nicht an dir es ist der Fisch oder die Angel. Und wir wussten immer "Ihr habt 'nen Vogel"😊

  11. I have zero clue about birds (that fly or other 😂) I just don’t really know if them “getting a ride” obviously nice people want to help, we see it here, but technically are we helping them or harming? I’ve no freaking clue, I’m actually asking no offering advice, would love an expert’s opinion? Please

  12. I really enjoy your videos. I have seen all of them. Thank you so much. VesselFinder says you have been in Aruba now for 23 days. Are you enjoying it? I love that island. All the water is safe as it comes from desalination. The island is also a very safe place to be walking around and enjoying. Lots of great restaurants and resorts and great beaches. Warm all the time with great breezes and no hurricanes. Heaven on earth!

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