DE CE am navigat atat de departe? Am ajuns în sfârșit la GRENADA după 2000 de mile și MULTE dificultăți. Acum că suntem aici, încă ne luptăm cu generatorul, printre multe alte lucruri. Dar ne bucurăm și de comunitate și de o multitudine de alte beneficii ale acestei frumoase insule. În cele din urmă, a meritat lupta și lupta pentru a ajunge aici? Bucurați-vă!! Și asigurați-vă că vă ABONAȚI pentru CONȚINUT SĂPTĂMÂNAL ÎN FIECARE DUMINICĂ! Noroc!! Vă mulțumim că vizionați SailAway, documentarul de călătorie al unui cuplu aventuros de navigatori, copil și câine, care navighează prin lume!
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Cruise RO Water Makers – Precision Sails – Plăci de folie marca Zetti – (Sailaway10 pentru 10% reducere) Chins Lithium Baterii – SurfShark – pentru 82% reducere
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Top shelf problems my friend. Personally I like to keep a gratitude list. Keeps me centered
Funny, I was thinking you can always endure as long as you have coffee. Five seconds later Eric is going for coffee. LOL
Open up that xantrex there's a glass fuse inside ,or atleast there should be one . Thought the pressure pump was AC ,why cant the generator operate that ?
Of course it was worth it!! You are back in the Caribbean, slowly getting the boat shipshape. Enjoy yourselves in Granada.
Ophelia is a Greek girl's name meaning “aid” and “help.” This name is best known for the tragic heroine in William Shakespeare's Hamlet. Although Ophelia's story is heartbreaking and poignant, the name also represents beauty and selflessness.Oct 20, 2023
Nice to see you guys settling back into Grenada off-season life including wing night at Le Phare Blue! Definitely time to add more solar as you seem woefully underpowered at the moment. At least you have plenty of real estate to do that. Looks like we’ll be joining you again in the EC after we get out of Guatemala and go up and over via Mexico and the Bahamas. Enjoy!!!
Motor Mounts = order some hockey pucks. Drill a hole through them as needed. Been used by backyard mechanics and in hot-rodding for a long time.
Cheap and easy, down and dirty.
Solar bucket list wish -Sail Life – 1600W of solar☀ on a 38 ft sailboat & re-stepping the mast
For any corroded ferro metal parts, I always soak them in vinegar for 24-hours, remove from vinegar soak and dry; then spray paint Metal Primer, then spray paint Top Coat. Lasts for a couple of years🙂
Check generator output voltage and frequency.
II commented a couple of weeks ago about your portable generator What you find when your generator does not want to start and it's being extremely difficult, it can be. cheap, nasty oil sensors look. up small motors oil sensors on Youtube and it will prove my point What happens is they put cheap and nasty oil sensors in time. So you think that you're getting a bargain and they get more money out of you open up your generator and it's usually a yellow or a green wire coming out of the side of the engine block on your portable generator Cut that wire then try to start it and you will find a lot of the time it will restart up. It's because of a faulty oil sensor. Trust me. give it a go. And if it doesn't work, you can always reconnect the wire back again and back. to square one. But at least it will eliminate one of your possible problems that are causing your generator not. to work I found out the hard way financially by spending a fortune on carburetta problems with portable generators when in fact what it is is your oil sensor you. may have been having lots of problems and all you had to do was just cut one wire.
You do well my friend great as always
Make sure the co detectors are working as well
You have to change the introduction. Please?
Great to see you guys having fun!! Question, was that one of Eric's songs he was singing? I really
liked it either way, and he sounded fabulous performing it! Okay sweet family thanks for another
great vlog……see you next time! Hugs to you all! 🤗
I enjoy your channel. However, I am confused regarding the get-set and water maker issues. Why would you run the get-set to power the inverter? An inverter takes 12volts and changes them to 110v. A battery charger takes 110v and changes them to 12v.
If the water maker is 110v then the gen set should power it directly. If the water maker is 12 volt, the inverter has nothing to so with it. Rather it would be the get-set powering the battery charger to supply ample amps to drive the water maker. Sorry maybe you misspoke or I miss heard.
But for some viewers it might lead them astray.
What’s that Carib taste like . Bud
Great to hear you finally have power! Your family is the definition of perseverance!
Is there an Auto transfer switch?
Is there and fuses or breakers on the system that should be checked cleaned.