În acest videoclip, ne continuăm traversarea Atlanticului de la jumătatea drumului către West Palm Beach, Florida. Aceasta este partea a patra a mini-seriei noastre a traversării Atlanticului. Dezactivăm și motor și facem tot posibilul să-l readucem online și să vă arătăm lucrările recente efectuate la exteriorul iahtului. Vă oferim o privire asupra îndatoririlor și responsabilităților echipajului în timpul unei traversări de această amploare. Pregătiți-vă să vedeți ce este nevoie pentru a face o traversare ca aceasta să funcționeze. De la logistică la mâncarea echipajului, vă arătăm totul. Stai pe loc, relaxează-te și bucură-te de videoclipul acestei săptămâni! 🔔 Nu uitați să dați like, comentați și abonați-vă la canalul nostru pentru mai multe experiențe incredibile la bordul Motor Yacht Loon! 🔔 Partea 1 https://youtu.be/uzDA_mrLcWQ?si=f1tVeTNA1BFQtFYw Partea a 2-a https://youtu.be/W64ibhuR_GQ?si=TuBN4q4i8sOGSMUd Partea a 3-a https://youtu.be/9H8WcIpYbOc30nE? ter întrebări și pentru a verifica iahtul, vă rugăm să vizitați site-ul nostru oficial: https://www.yachtloon.com Pentru actualizări zilnice, urmăriți-ne pe: Instagram https://www.instagram.com/motoryachtloon TikTok https://www.tiktok .com/@motoryachtloon 🌏 Pentru întrebări de charter și pentru a verifica iahtul, vă rugăm să vizitați site-ul nostru oficial: https://www.yachtloon.com Filmat de creatorul de conținut la bord @Blair_vb Editat de Shaun Silver și @Blair_vb #superyacht #superyachts # iahturi #ambarcațiuni #megayacht #yachttender #charter #yachtcrew #yachtlife #yachting #yachtcharter #loonvideos #atlanticcrossing #loonvideos #ocean crossing
Am traversat Atlanticul! | Partea 4
21 thoughts on “Am traversat Atlanticul! | Partea 4”
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What a great video and series Blair and the whole crew put together. I'm back onboard now, and we are preparing to depart for Antigua to begin our Caribbean season. All the crew are super excited to get down to the islands and start chartering again.
Thanks for watching and we'll see you next week. 🛥🥂
Wow I can’t believe how flat the seas are (even though I know they always look flatter than on the videos). Thanks Blair!
Hey Bjorn I’m 70 and STILL having fun! It is the attitude that is important! 🤣
Given the fact that both engines have roughly the same hours on them, I was worried that you would lose the 2nd engine in the middle of the Atlantic as well… just glad that you all made it safely across the pond 😀
Nice calm waters!!!!
I only found your channel just in time to catch the first video in this series on the crossing. I used to follow Jared Watney when he worked on M/Y Arience one of my favourite SuperYachts. I am so pleased to have found your channel, super impressed with your work Blair, and what a great team of people in the crew. Loved the last four videos and will be following you into the future. Huge well done, God speed.
you guys are awesome !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Well done engineers for trying their best to resolve the problem on the engine and looking after the working one to ensure a safe arrival. Got to say well done to the deck crew doing all that sanding and varnishing too. Greg 🇬🇧
“It’s not a map. It’s a chart.” 😂
How and where does everyone clear customs?
please work on your voice over audio quality. that is just bad
Amazing as always!! Well done 👏👏👏
why not just put the silent engine on reverse to overcome any heat problems due to drag
5:00 it does not have variable pitch propellers? In order to minimize the rotation of the shaft of the dead engine because of the drag
Absolutely love this journey and channel but for the love of God…Can you stop using the word "Sweet" after every conversation. I actually stopped before the end of video. Not criticism just not all of us watching want to hear lingo like "OK cool"
Thank you for sharing your crew with a beautiful yacht.
Where's Nina?!!! Just an observation. It's hard to hear and understand the girls when they aren't wearing microphones.
I hope you guys found that engine again, losing such a costly item must be embarrassing.
What did that part cost??
Will you keep 1 or 2 on board going forward??
Thanks love the content