Atunci am pus la pământ Polar Seal (și consecințele acelui incident)

Atunci am pus la pământ Polar Seal (și consecințele acelui incident)

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20 thoughts on “Atunci am pus la pământ Polar Seal (și consecințele acelui incident)

  1. I was in Port Mouton last year and I entered the bay in deep fog, under chart plotter, radar and depth sounder, thank fully I did not hit any rock. A few months later I was less lucky in Guadeloupe where I hit a well marked cay and broke my keel. I ran aground twice in Martinique trying to visit "Les baignoires de Joséphine". I am not afraid to say that I ran aground many times in my sailing carreer. Cheers, Salutations

  2. The title got me worried. Having seen more than one hull design of that kind separate grid and hull I would hate you going through that, but indeed you were very slow and even lost some more speed at the first gentle touch. It could not have gone any better. Great choice of naming the location. 🙂

  3. Admiral Nimitz (the same that commanded the US Navy during world war 2) ran his destroyer Decatur aground on a mudbank in the Philipines. Unable to get it off he took the advice of his grandfather "do not worry about things over which you have no control" set up a cot on the deck and went to sleep. A steamer appeared after daylight and pulled it off. He was court martialled for "Hazarding a ship of the US Navy" and accepted responsiblity and was given a letter of reprimand – but it obviosuly didn't damage his career too much!

  4. Thank You for this, I found it really helpful and informative. Nice to see it from an understandable position. Not some dude on the dock pontificating!

  5. Bonjours à vous deux, propriétaire d un oceanis 40 de 2007 j ai malheureusement vécu la même expérience de talonnage au mois août sur notre jolie île de brehat ( Bretagne nord ) et comme vous seulement de petites rayures ! Bienvenue au club des talons d or 😂

  6. Hi … your videos are amazing. It’s really inspiring for me and my GF … planning to spend our first few years after retirement as live-aboard (still 10 years to go though). Question: I heard that starlink is charging a lot of money to sailors because they discontinued their RV plan (or they do not allow boats) and basically have only a marine service tailored to super-yachts … is it true? Has Elon finaa sad lot realized that not all sailors are billionaires? And in fact sailors-Tubers give a lot of good press to his company??? Why penalizing them … in any case I don’t think that the data rate generated by sailing yachts will break the bank and bring down his network … can you comment?

  7. Long time subscriber! Have a project boat (beneteau 35s5) and she's coming together after 3 years of restoration. Have only run aground one time (a bluough grounding situation)! After reading the chart more carefully it said "dredged, not regularly maintained" 🙁

  8. A not fun grounding, on a loopy friend’s Macwester 27 Bilge Keeler. Friend loopy ecause he Never listened. sigh.We had been out for the day from the Estuary he moored at, which had a very tricky Channel out into the Bay, on leaving, sand dunes to starboard with a sandbar right on the edge of the channel.Well he grounded on the Bar on the way out, so perhaps should have told him to go back to the mooring after towing him off with the Dinghy. Ho Hum, we Continued out, and I noticed there was something wrong with the Port side Channel Marker Buoys next to the large amount of Rocks, and at least one of the Buoys was missing. I commented that the Buoys weren’t right, and that on our return at Full Tide, I’d take the Dinghy in First to check them out. Which I did, and found that the last two were missing, so back on the boat, we headed in, and I explained when you get near the last visible Buoy, Slow Right down and Turn to Port . Response Eh ? Instant Repeat . Eh ? We are doing 5+ knots with the Tide behind us and those damned Marker buoys are running Out Fast, so at the top of my Voice I Shout Slow Down and Turn to Port ! Crash bang wallop , Mast Bends like a Bow, and crash bang wallop still not slowed Dow, we keep going until we run out of Rocks to collide with. I look below, grab Life Jackets and go below to check for leaks, He finally Slows down and we get to the Mooring, then wait for low Tide to check for damage. There was a small chip in the Gel Coat on each Bilge Keel, which I cleaned with acetone, and used some Gel Coat repair stuff on, then we went to the Pub. The Owner was a really nice guy but so bloody Clueless. Still, I suppose the Bulk of the “Don’t Do That “ Things on Boats I learned while Crewing for him. Never have an underpowered inboard engine, him getting us stuck for hours in Overfalls. Always have your engine and gearbox fully serviced, and regularly check the Stuffing box. Him, after having to push his boat with my Dinghy lashed to the side all the way up the coast to another friend’s mooring he had the use of for the Summer, as the engine died just as we left the Bay where the estuary e moored up was. Not a Breath of wind it was a millpond and a scircher of a day. It took 3 refills of the internal tank of my 3.3 Hp Tohatsu 2 stroke, to do a bit over 40 miles. We rolled into the Mooring, only to find out that he had booked us in at our Harbour Master friend’s Restaurant for lunch S he had said we’d be there by mid day at the latest, but it was about 7pm when we rolled in, after being welcomed by our friends on the Lifeboat, after a bit of a telling off, all he could say was Eh ? Ex Merchant Navy he knew it all, but just like Manuel in Fawlty Towers He Knows Nuuu Theeeng. Lovely guy though, a self made millionare three times, but three wives took him to the cleaners. One Demonic Darkside almost wife, was enough for me. Happy Days ! Bob.🤣🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿🇬🇧⛵️🌟🌟🌟❤️

  9. Check your frame to hull joints. Probably good. It's just that Beneteau and Jeanneau glue their frames to the hull. Expedition Evans bought a 50' Beneteau that had a very bad keel strike, yanked the frame hull joint. (It all worked out. They got the boat for $25k! and had to do a lot of fixing. )
    "One day it may happen to you…" Last week while heading out of the harbor I saw both Boat US tow boats each towing a boat. Wished them a silent best of luck and thought, someday that'll be me…

  10. Im impressed. Not to take any pleasure from the mishap…but you owned it! When you own it…it seems like no big deal. You guys are a great team. Does Ryan own Dakota lithium?

  11. Nova Scotia – where Stan Rogers was scattered. Absolutely amazing – never knew sirens had such pretty noses 😀
    …sigh. Come spring I am signing up to learn to sail somewhere here around Umeå – I got to try this. …probably a midlife crisis brewing xD

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