Cârlig de lant [DIY Snubber] | Înțelepciunea navigată

Cârlig de lant [DIY Snubber] |  Înțelepciunea navigată

▸ MATERIALE NECESARE PENTRU URMĂTORUL NOSTRU PROIECT: https://a.co/6y07tiz ▸ MARFĂ: https://rigging-doctor.creator-spring.com ▸ ABONAȚI-VĂ DIRECT la noi ca să nu pierdeți niciun episod: https://www .riggingdoctor.com/subscribe ▸ COMISIILE DE PICTURA: artisticeyestudio@gmail.com ▸ ARTĂ DIN VOIAȚIA NOASTRĂ: https://www.bluefeatherfineart.com ▸ CANALUL CHARLIE & GERRY: https://www.youtube.com/c/PirateParrots21 Chain cârligele sunt o parte importantă la capătul amortizorului. Ele ușurează agățarea snubber-ului pe un lanț de ancorare care vă va permite să ancorați în siguranță și cu mai puțini pași. Legarea snubber-ului de lanț poate fi comod și dificil de făcut, dar un cârlig de lanț alunecă pur și simplu pe lanț fără dramatism sau agitație. Folosind această îmbinare, vă puteți crea propriul amortizor foarte puternic, care poate fi ușor configurat și demontat de fiecare dată când ancorați. ↓BINGE WATCH↓ BINGE WATCH DE LA ÎNCEPUT: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLlDgR504BxwnlEhveyFpjTUi6LLA4_s4L ▸ BARCA NOASTRĂ (1968 Morgan 45): https://www.youtube.com/watch:MDP28HANDIbr▸ https://rigging-doctor.creator-spring.com/ ▸ INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/riggingdoctor ▸ FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/sailingwisdom ▸ WEBSITE: https://www. .riggingdoctor.com ▸ COMISIILE DE PICTURA: artisticeyestudio@gmail.com ▸ ARTĂ DIN VOIAJA NOASTRA: https://www.bluefeatherfineart.com ▸ CAMERA PRINCIPALA: https://amzn.to/3kYDNTs ▸ CAMERA SECUNDARA: https://amzn .to/3x9icwm ▸ CAMERA SUBACACĂ: https://amzn.to/3FBXFni ▸ CAMERA STABILIZATĂ: https://amzn.to/3kUewcM ▸ LENTILE DE NOAPTE: https://amzn.to/30HTuHe ▸ DRONE: https:// amzn.to/3DzcgiB ▸ MICROFON: https://amzn.to/3DElSst ↓PARTENERIATE↓ ▸ PREVICE VENT: https://www.predictwind.com/?ref=riggingdoctor ▸ SUN OVEN: https://www.sunoven. com/riggingdoctor ▸ ANCORE MANTUS: https://www.mantusmarine.com/?affiliates=119 ▸ OVERKILL SOLAR (PIEȚE BATERIE LITIU): https://overkillsolar.com/?myboi=187478592 ▸ BATERIE HOOKUP (LITHIUM) : https://www.batteryhookup.com (Pentru o reducere suplimentară de 5%, utilizați codul promoțional: RIGING5) ▸ AQUOS ELECTRIC OUTBOARD: https://www.aquospro.com?sca_ref=1008159.oxyRUafA2y ▸ CELLULE DE LITIU: https: //www.docanpower.com/index.php?route=product/product&product_id=455&tracking=06ORmUMyyrYyEpQ2VkP7mUHWKgx9B9SeQB6gb57tAV7ag91SsfJ5D2FxQRDgTqmm ▸ THE COLDESTwater:fWaterCest (Pentru o reducere suplimentară de 10%, folosește Promo Cod: RD) (Pentru șansa de a câștiga o sticlă de apă GRATUITĂ: https://thecoldestwater.com/RiggingDoctor-giveaway) ▸ AMAZON: https://www.amazon.com/shop/riggingdoctor


10 thoughts on “Cârlig de lant [DIY Snubber] | Înțelepciunea navigată

  1. Another good splicing video. I’ve just done my new snubber a week before your video and I did it with a multi strand rope, typical in Norway. Anyway, I’ve been searching the web for length of snubbers and so many opinions and Practical boat owner was up at crazy lengths. With my 37 foot sailboat I have gone for 20 feet. What is your opinion?

  2. Thank you, my brother man, I just learned something I done bend to school today I appreciate that because what I just learned will come in very handy on our boat.

  3. This is a great how to video, you could follow up with a video discussing factors that make a splice strong and durable and maybe stress test with a strain gauge. It's early, but I think you will get lots of views because you are a great teacher.

  4. Curious,… I may have missed something but what is a benefit of this type of splice over a common 3 strand chain splice? I’ve been using the common splice for over 12 years now. They go through the windless perfectly and have been through 5 hurricanes, of which 2 where over cat3.
    Don’t get me wrong, it’s a fine splice and you did a great job teaching it. However is it better or worse than common chain splice?
    I love your channel and look forward to future content.
    Heck, your the reason we ditched the CQR plow and purchased a Mantus2 😅

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