Acesta este un tur ghidat în profunzime al Flow 19, o barcă cu pânze de crucișător sport care poate fi trasă, proiectată de Atelier Interface și construită în Franța de Prodesign 3D. Acest design ușor are o chilă pivotantă complet retractabilă, care face posibilă lansarea ambarcațiunii de pe rampe de mică adâncime, plaja acesteia și explorarea apelor de mică adâncime. Arhitect: Antoine Mainfray 0:00 Introducere 1:33 Construcție 2:14 Tachelaj în picioare și rulare 5:32 Sistem de chilă pivotantă retractabilă 6:02 Cârme duble 6:36 Balasturi cu apă 7:03 Pilot automat 7:36 Propulsie electrică 8:10 Blocare ancora , linii de salvare și tachete de ancorare 8:28 Depozitare și confort cabină 10:46 Sistem electric și instrumente 12:05 Închidere Flow 19 Date și site-ul web al constructorului Site-ul arhitectului
Barcă cu pânze Flow 19 Sport Pocket Cruiser – Tur ghidat

29 thoughts on “Barcă cu pânze Flow 19 Sport Pocket Cruiser – Tur ghidat”
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This is a great boat – exactly what I’ve been chasing after in most ways. This overview highlights how much more complex the rigging is than the Siren 17 don’t you think? Thinking about sailing and maintaining this boat feels so much more involved than my siren.
Thank you for the great review. The Flow 19 looks to be an ideal pocket cruiser and you seem to have made some quality modifications. For a 19' boat there seems to be an ideal mix of space and performance in an easily handled package. I wonder if I can get building plans as of course the Flow 19 is not available down here in New Zealand at the bottom of the world.
I really like your mainsail, what is the brand where did you guys order it? I see you have used it on syren and now on your new flow sailboats ?
Really nice little boat, I don't think I've seen many other trailer sailers this nicely setup. For a weekender I've seen many older pocket cruisers that look a little more comfortable but nothing this modern or spacious, and certainly nothing that would perform like this one. Thanks for the tour!
I have a new channel sv Gemstar.I have an new channel as i have another boat. I bought
on jan3rd and u will be
doing an vlog l
walk through. The boat is an Colombia 27.
I have rejoined your channel. you do make some of the nicer vlogs.
Gerard on
SV Gemstar.
This is the boat for me. Please sell it in the US.
What a great video! Finally, someone has produced an in depth look at the Flow 19. Can I presume that the head consists of a plastic bucket? Would it be possible to outfit the boat with a composting toilet? And could you set up a system to heat up food down below, while underway?
How do you get one of these in North America?
Magnific boat. I would love to sail one. Great design, perfect for someone who wants to sail without the hurdles of big boats.
I haven’t seen a lot of sub 20 that well built and equipped. We all think of Catalina 22 but this is next level.
Anchor locker, but no bow roller. All that engineering and skimp on an important item. I still like the old Corsaire.
Rad dude.
Isn’t that a 12:1 vang, 6:1 x 2:1 (the part through the low friction ring on the boom)?
A lot of thought went into the design of this beautiful little boat.. Well done!
Spectacular. Thanks for the details on purchase and getting to the US. Great upgrade and sporty boat for your type of explorations. Great video too, I think your voice would have been nice for the narration. Rick
What's is expected cost? And can you install a portable head?
Oooh I want one!
Very cool boat. I love it!!
Of course didn't mention price.
Base price 59.000$
Will you sell the plans ? Have you considered building one out of aluminum . Love the design and all design details.
This looks like a really fun boat
This would make a great home build since plywood is used.
Thanks for the useful info. I have that motor on my Sage 17. Based on the serial number, I think the motor is 2009 (also think it came as original equipment on my 2015 Sage). Not being EXTREMELY mechanically inclined/experienced, I'm quite pleased that I've successfully replaced the carb, as well as a frozen clutch bearing, over the time that I've owned the motor. I've also been pondering how to attach a tach (I have one pretty much like yours) to the motor. Maybe I'll try your setup. Does it live there all the time?
"Boat handling and deck controls are simplified as much as possible…" as camera pans deck to reveal lines and sheets covering every surface.
A thoughtful, aesthetic pleasure.
The West Wight Potter 19 is arguably a more capable boat on the open ocean, and will handle heavier winds and sea state without the need for water ballast.
The builder seems to have disappeared – the website goes to an open link…Anybody know if they still exist?
It should be built with free recycled wood, with diy veneer and strip planking, and use hemp ropes and sails. I think maybe this boat is too wide so im not sure of uprighting after capsizing, sailboats should bring silent air motors and and air tanks , more reliable than batteries and non toxic and rechargable with wind turbine compressor . This boat looks like 505 variation
Where does one buy such a boat? How much did it cost with all the upgrades? Thx