Lansăm noul nostru Trimaran de 60 de picioare! (Rătăcitorul III)

Lansăm noul nostru Trimaran de 60 de picioare!  (Rătăcitorul III)

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19 thoughts on “Lansăm noul nostru Trimaran de 60 de picioare! (Rătăcitorul III)

  1. This amazing journey you guys have embarked on several years ago – and now with two "shipmates" aboard who will hopefully one day be able to "stand watch" while you take it easy – – has become the adventure, of – – – – 4 life times !! You have been "REAL" and that makes each video worth waiting for. Thank You.

  2. Goosebumps and a tear watching this. Not because of the boat (I couldn’t care less about sailing) but because of the achievement for you guys. Been a longtime follower and I can’t help but be PROUD of you guys like your my bloody best mate!!! 😊 Big love to you from a fellow Aussie back home ❤

  3. My goodness she is gorgeous! You’ve all done an amazing job. What an achievement. Congratulations to all of you, owners and builders.

  4. Conrgats with the new boat!!:) Just lifted out our sailboat last weekend with a crane and I understand the frustrating process! We also stayed on the boat while being lifted but I wasn't prepared for it and it was so scary haha.

  5. Wholly molly you two! tuned in for the first time today in a year or so, I can still remember old friends talking about how they had met elayna as she travelled through Esperance down here in WA in her van, Riley I watched every episode for yeeears after a best mate showed me what you where up to about episode 3. Nothing more inspiring! Back then I put two and two together. So good to see you both so committed! Through all the madness your still punching out half an hour of pure happiness each week! Wishing your family peaceful travels and fair weather on the new Golden boat.. forever!!! ✌️✌️

  6. just a repeat: the hulls' colour is so perky it's gonna help keep you so in years to come. perky! feelin' down, honey? go contemplate the hulls!

  7. Oh man I remember when y’all went from La Vagabond 1 to La Vagabond 2 now to this beautiful beauty in yellow. Bold choice but, definitely an eye catching beautiful color that I think was a really good choice to go with the very unique interior design. ❤️❤️❤️❤️

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