Birocratie durabilă pentru a naviga cu țestoase marine

Birocratie durabilă pentru a naviga cu țestoase marine

Merg spre Argostoli pentru o altă încercare de a intra în Grecia. Explorează orașul și fă o mică explozie a aripilor. Dacă vă plac videoclipurile și doriți să contribuiți la realizarea acestor videoclipuri, linkurile pentru venmo, patreon sau paypal sunt mai jos: /samholmes$SamHolmesSailing Bitcoin: bc1q23xsnagqat94tcu6tr40zcj504njlzqq2hg39c Urmărește-mă pe instagram @SamHolmesSailing


19 thoughts on “Birocratie durabilă pentru a naviga cu țestoase marine

  1. I went through a period during which I watched alot of sailing videos and really enjoy this format. Yours is the channel that stuck. It doesn't matter what the content, the personality has to be likeable, and for me, humble and genuine. Keep up the great work. Your channel is a gem among the YT sailors.

  2. The Mediterranean seems like a bit of a bummer, with the crowded anchorages, high sea traffic, annoying rules (no wingfoiling but you can use an electric one?) etc.

  3. Greece is such a damn rip off, always remember my time there!!!! I will also always remember how much money they swindled out of us. They know they got the upper hand when you come to port, then all these mysterious fees pop up. As always great video Sam✌️✌️✌️

  4. So, just to park your sailboat, you have to jump through all of these hoops, pay money, etc., which is what it is … I mean, they need to know who is in the country. In the meantime, the US Customs and Border Control actually cuts the fence at our southern border so that, basically, anyone can enter and we get the privilege of supporting them with schooling, health care, welfare, child care, etc., etc. Not to start a political rant (too late!), but only to say that maybe some countries still take borders seriously.

  5. I'm never going to Greece by boat after watching you and Attica.😂 There's nothing there I want to see so bad that I'd go through all that.😂

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