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https://www.instagram.com/alanbmulholland/?hl=en Dacă vă întrebați ce am făcut când nu navighez pe Wave Rover, consultați celălalt canal al meu: Rover’s Rest: https://www.youtube.com /channel/UC9k8PCCTlNyDzvYaef3Jekg Mulțumesc și vânturi bune
I wanted to play your dolphin video while I listen to John Denver sing Aye Calypso
Looks like it just about everybody said it was a sunfish. I know there's a lot of great whites around your area but I think they travel deep. Most are probably headed south by now. I often wonder if you had an emergency and had to bail, would you be concerned with the sharks?
I don’t see a life raft i hope Allen has one🙏🏻
Yes, as someone else suggested, I believe the large fish with the tall, floppy fun was actually an ocean sun fish. They love to hang out in the surface of the ocean, and turn in their side. Their fins are floppy and large just like that! It is a blessing to see one!
I think that first one was a Harry which is the short name for Harriet and Harrison in case it’s a boy. It was hungry foraging in the wilds for scraps, a scrappy fish maybe, it seemed like a Harry to me.
Dolphins are amazing creatures.
It’s a sun fish, I’ve fished off on George’s banks most my life, it’s definitely a sunfish
Sun fish! They are so cool to see out on the ocean! Great sailing, Alan!
Definitely a shark… thought I caught a glimpse of his tail
I think the Dolphins like your keels!
Wondered why you were headed for Stonington? I would have thought Block Island and then Cape May.
GREAT VIDEO! Hey! I am thinking you could have a larger sail! What do you think? Maybe more lead/weight on the keels too? Anyway, you need a safe balance of both and no reason for racing!
That was amazing! As a solo sailer, and a content creator it must have been exciting! Keep that camera charged and ready! Thank you for sharing that incredible moment.
Sea lion
Love being swept away on Wave Rover with the beautiful playful joyful dolphins – wow – what an incredible sight!! This actually relaxed me hearing the sounds of the ocean and watching the dolphins swim and follow along with you – so happy you are sharing this with us!! 🐬
Shark. not a dolphin or sunfish. Sunfish fins are tall and narrow. I would say about 9 – 10 ft. He's probably looking for leftovers to go over the side.
I'm going to go with a basking shark .
Agree probably a Sunfish given its movement.
Great episode.. Rovers are wonderful.. and you always have something new to try and talk about. I thought of a baby Orca with the fin but yeah even a baby Orac would be bigger..I think your duration watching the dolphins was perfect .. I live on the mid coast of Maine near Damariscotta right on the river / estuary and I've sailed on a schooner 6 times on the Penobscot Bay and have never seen a whale in person…seals..a dolphin or two but no whales. You description after the fact made me feel like I was there first hand. Thanks😊
some undesirable posting as you in my messages the old chestnut. "You've won …bla bla.."