Sailing Safar Ep 13 – 6 zile SOLO în Oceanul Atlantic (Pt 1)

Sailing Safar Ep 13 - 6 zile SOLO în Oceanul Atlantic (Pt 1)

În acest episod, aventurile continuă la bordul Safar, când încep un pasaj singur de 6 zile fără oprire către Insulele Canare. Nu am fost la bordul SAFAR de peste 3 luni din cauza lucrului în larg și peste mare, așa că am fost trist să văd că pare puțin rău, dar în curând se freacă bine și este gata să navigheze din nou pe lume. VĂ RUGĂM NU UITAȚI DĂ LIKE ȘI LĂSAȚI UN COMENTARIU MAI JOS DACĂ ȚI PLACĂ CONȚINUT. (Ajută cu algoritmul Youtube)


20 thoughts on “Sailing Safar Ep 13 – 6 zile SOLO în Oceanul Atlantic (Pt 1)

  1. Interestingly enough I was thinking about your videos earlier today for some reason, so that's perfect timing Sir ! Good to see you and Safar back.

  2. Great video
    Good to see you back on Safar,great boat,I am looking to do the same passage, You made me laugh about the life choices😂
    Great watch
    Fair winds to mate

  3. hey Morgan, thank you for sharing your ideas. especially the one withe the house and stupid ideas! i like the videos a lot. the footage of sailing i really like the most. i hope my diy will finish soon and sail along with you. well done!

  4. You videoed cleaning your deck! That's just weird. I hope you're not one of those sailors who cleans the galley after use too, that's just wrong.
    Oh, you should have hosed your lines first btw.

  5. Just found your channel and subscribed. Making my way through your whole series so far – good stuff! I’d never hear of the Saltram Saga 36, but she’s a beauty – and looks quite stout. I especially love the wide, uncluttered decks.

  6. thinking about selling the boat, buying a house , hot girlfriend and a nice car ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, naaaaaaahhhh , that would be average as fuck , keep challenging yourself , be your own hero on your own heroic adventure , house, girls and cars , that shite can come later .

  7. Inspiring. I'm about to head over to Mexico to sail my boat back to Guatemala and I needed this to boost my motivation. Thanks mate! I almost bought a house and planned to sell the boat, but nah, it'll have to wait. Safe sailing!

  8. There's nothing like 20+ knots on the nose and nothing to do but take it to make you question life. 😀 I have been there–multiple times. There is a particular flavor of irresistible insanity to this game.

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