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3 ani de refit. Acum, la revedere barca.
20 thoughts on “3 ani de refit. Acum, la revedere barca.”
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I like the aged portlights a lot. they look great against the fresh sparkling interior. A testament to how far you've taken MC2.
You guys are amazing! What a push! And, thanks for the shout-out. – Ted
Bravo 🙌 ❤
You guys rock! The skills you both have and continue to expand upon throughout this project are amazing! Great work! You should be proud of your efforts. Getting closer and closer to the finish line.
Amazing guys!
You are lovely, hardworking, uniquely authentic people, and I am so excited for you as the next chapters unfold. All the best. Good things really do happen to good people.
That Epifanes stuff is obviously the right thing for a quick'n dirty ("dirty" in Dini-swiss-standards only) job coming out extraordinarily nice anyway. Trooper-dad flying-in by Vanagon for support 👍. (You guys are lucky to still have him, and so is he having You guys I reckon). And when it comes to stuff finding places in a boat: I was surprised during my whole career how much junk goes in a boat with every single one we had to empty to make room for work. Really good to see for once the opposite, positive side of that😁. It's a pity that You couldn't show us the good people giving You and the MC II shelter and a home abroad in really difficult times. A big 👍for these people from over here! (Having done things like that more than once, I know what it means firsthand from the "giver's" side) Thanks for sharing!
Wieso bruched er kei TruDesign Borddurchläss? 😊
I’ve never enjoyed watching paint dry so much! Awesome job. Brian is cool. The GGR some day would be thrilling😊
Maya! Open your arms as wide as you possibly can; more beauty than you know exists is about to hit you like summer rain in the monsoons ❤. You guys have earned every bit of your success, 🎉 now is the time to ride the wave, baby 😅
I thought they’d been in Canada the whole time. Where in the USA were they? Isn’t Maya Canadian?
EPIC! I subscribed to this channel and then became a patron because of the excellent filmmaking, which has gone from excellent to highly professional over the years. This episode is a real standout. I really enjoy boatwork and of course Aladino never disappoints. Bonus round with your father! Contratulations on achieving this huge milestone!
fine fine, 😀
You guys are inspirational! Amazing work, we are so happy to have followed along and been a part of this huge refit. Well done, friends!!
I’m both sad and happy for you two! You’re doing amazing things both with the boat and your lives!
A work of functional work!
Hope it sails as good as it looks (my money is on YES!)!
Well done, One & All ❤❤❤
wow very interesting experience friend
Crazy cool
Great dad ❤
I spotted the teak , that's now painted white , just below the chart table that you mentioned in the last update… were spot on, it looks better white 😊. The chart table wood looks a stunner.