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) și o zi de plajă și un tort cu prietenii. Abia aștept să văd unde în lume îi vom sărbători a 5-a aniversare! Puteți găsi toate echipamentele pentru cameră pe care le folosim, elementele noastre esențiale pentru croazieră, instrumente, lectură recomandată, echipament de siguranță și multe altele în vitrina noastră Amazon! Urmăriți seria noastră de documente din 4 părți: Protejați-vă de soare! Susține videoclipurile noastre- Trimite-ne dragoste Ne finalizăm navigarea în jurul lumii, așa că mai sunt multe de văzut ! Sprijinul dvs. va finanța echipamente mai bune pentru cameră, internet pentru a încărca videoclipuri și, desigur, lubrifianți creativi pentru a ușura procesul de editare – Abonați-vă la noul nostru site minunat. – În culise. – Like-ne pe Facebook – Sprijină-ne cumpără un tricou dulce Delos!
Nimic nu durează pentru totdeauna… Navă cu pânze Delos Ep. 435

21 thoughts on “Nimic nu durează pentru totdeauna… Navă cu pânze Delos Ep. 435”
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Ahoy Delos Tribe! If you love our vids and want to chat with the crew, watch early & ad free releases, and access exclusive content then join the inner tribe at
I can’t believe that Sierra is four years old already. That’s nuts she’s just sprouted up before our very eyes. Boy, you guys shot some beautiful footage today. I love the outtakes! Thank you so much. Sending love from California.

I forgot to mention the amazing whales I wasn’t too sure that that one wasn’t going to hit the boat. So glad that it didn’t. They put on quite a show.
Happy Birthday Sierra! I remember meeting her in the Ragged Islands. Seems like yesterday..

She’s gettin the best education ever!!!!
Did you stop in the Marquises Island to see the tombs of Gaugin and Brel?
Wow what a wonderful experience you are taking us that watch your channel on. The world is your oyster and your the pearl of adventure. Thanks for sharing this with us that watch your channel.
Happy Birthday Nugs! Love watching you grow lil adventurer
Awesome as always. Safe journey!
Salt & Vinigar is the BEST!
Wow, it's quite frustrating to see all the sailing channels recommending the exact same products. I'm feeling a bit fed up with it.
Happy Birthday Sierra! Wow…4!
Awwww you guys are so amazing!! Birthday whales! Only you guys could pull that one off
Happy nugget day

This episode brings tears of joy to my eyes!
I’m crying because it’s been an incredible to see Sierra grow, from when she was just a baby all the way to where she is now! Makes me feel like I’ve been there with you all. Though I may not support your adventures with monetary donations, I support you all in Spirit. I pray some day I’ll be able to do so. Brian and Kaza, I don’t think anyone needs to say what incredibly awesome parents you are to your baby! 

Happy Blessed 4th Birthday Sierra! May the LORD continue to shine beautifully on your life!
Mahalo from Nanakuli, O’ahu
Happy Anniversary Sierra.
Sierra is just the funniest little one ever! Love her to bits!!!
OMG, she is so cute!!!
with the world at the precipice you provide a well needed escape from our reality.
Royale with Cheese, nice.
Happy Birthday young lady