Am plătit prea mult pentru acest proiect barca?

Am plătit prea mult pentru acest proiect barca?

Am plătit prea mult pentru Flying Coney? Săptămâna aceasta vorbim despre prețurile pentru ambarcațiunile de proiect și cât am cheltuit pentru această navă cu pânze istorică. De asemenea, continuăm să rupem baia, astfel încât să ne putem deplasa din nou la bordul Flying Coney. Flying Coney este o navă istorică din oțel lungă de 82 de picioare. Și o aducem înapoi să trăiască ca frumoasa navă cu pânze care a fost cândva. Când terminăm cu reparația, vrem să navigăm pe ocean împreună cu tine și să învățăm abilitățile tradiționale de navigație. —————————— Faceți cunoștință cu noi: —————————— Deveniți un patron: Support ne pe PayPal: Donați instrumente și echipamente: Vrei să ajuți să restabilim Flying Coney? Deveniți voluntar: —————————— Instagram:


21 thoughts on “Am plătit prea mult pentru acest proiect barca?

  1. Egal was Ihr bezahlt habt, meiner Meinung nach hat man Euch gehörig über den Tisch gezogen. Denn ganz egal, was Ihr bisher gezeigt habt, es was verrottet. Das hangt wohl auch mit der Geschichte des Bootes zusammen, oder? Aber gut, hinterher ist man immer schlauer.

  2. I always enjoy watching the demo process almost as much as watching the refitting.
    You just really never know what you’re going to find.
    I’m sure you’ve covered this, but I just don’t remember why you don’t gear up to do much of your own welding. New MIG, TIG, stick units are so much more portable, and affordable than in days of old. My MIG/TIG rig For instance, was about $6000 and weighs a couple of hundred pounds. Not easily moved around at all. So it would seem to me that it would be more than worthwhile and cost-effective to learn to weld and obtain whatever certifications required to weld on your own boat and have had it. Y’all have so much to do! Not insurmountable at all, but you could easily save tens of thousands of dollars. Anyway, just my thoughts
    Someday when I’m feeling even more verbose than I am this morning, I’ll regale you with the tale of “Jeff and the stuck black water valve”. It’s a hilarious, bedtime story involving a 100 gallon black water tank that was filled to capacity, and an arrogant little twit, that thought he knew more than the old guys in the shop how to free that valve. Hilarity and much knee slapping ensued! A fine time was had by all, except Jeff.

  3. I'd like to know if you already have an idea for protecting the steel works on the inside, i.e. what primers to use, insulation that protects against moisture etc.

  4. Did you pay too much? IMO yes. In fact I would not have taken this boat on even if it had been offered to me for free. There are way better buys out there. I think you made the classic mistake of buying the biggest boat for the littlest money. The costs to renovate and build new rigs, sails etc etc to a standard for commercial charter is going to be extortionate and never worth it. I genuinely think you should consider ditching this project and find a far more realistic project to take on. Flying Coney could break you financially and mentally!

  5. For our 50ft wooden boat, I have estimate 5 min for each piece of wood pulled out of the boat and 1-2 hours for each piece put back in!!!!
    If I started again, I would consider buying a laser cutter that can cut 2400x1200x12mm ply. 3D cad design all the interior and use the laser to cutout the jigsaw puzzle to put together. Hopefully saving 1000s of hours. Sell the laser cutter once complete. Flying Coney may be big enough to house this machine in her belly while you are building it all.
    Just my thoughts.
    Love your work, both of you.

  6. I’ve been here and done that, things always look different looking back. You actually become a different and hopefully better person going through such a project, and the value of that is immeasurable. So no I don’t think you paid too much, just adjust what it is you value.

  7. Barbara and Daniel, you never bought a project but are investing in a home and lifestyle. 😍If you look at what you have done so far, this can be the only conclusion. Enjoy and keep on.

  8. It's amazing how far you've come.
    Don't give up, everyday is one step closer to be cruising the blue waters.
    Hello from Siesta Key Florida

  9. Something I would like to know and I'm sure it would be of interest to others. Have you ever met any of the ships old crew and if so would they be willing to talk to us.

  10. You guys have ignored all the big red flags and yes the other ships you've looked at where dumpsters too.
    -That boat was listed for 170k and you had bought it for 70k… that's a 100k red flag!
    – the fucking Netherlands??? Ships are 20% more expensive in the Netherlands and during a pandemic its even worse. Thats a financial red flag.
    – the last owner was an artist, artists are know to be free spirited and the ship had a serveer lack of maintenance due to this freedom. A massive red flag.

    Whoever told you that engine is 10k worth is a walking red flag!
    I'm sorry but even in running condition it is €1500 at best, a €1000 for the gearbox and €2000 for the generator.
    State of the ship when you bought it was probably 0,25 cent per kilograms worth and an extra €1000 for emotional value. Anything above that price is what you've paid to much…

    I don't want to burst your bubble but you guys fell in love with a pile of rust, a beautiful lined full of magnificent history pile of rust.
    I hope you realise this will be a 10 year project if the both of you can complete it.
    Wishing you guys nothing but love and luck.

    If my comment seems a bit harsh just remember I've been sailing all my life and a Dutchie so I'm blunt AF

  11. Sorry to say, but anything more than 1€ is too much for that rust bucket.
    Sell the equipment you can and scrap the hull. You will spend too much money on it that you can never get back. It will continue to create problems and leaks given how bad, unsafe and rusty the hull is.

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