Episodul 32 Wombi vine și Wombi pleacă

Episodul 32 Wombi vine și Wombi pleacă

S-a dus la portul de agrement pentru a-l ridica pe Wombi, dar nu merge așa cum a fost planificat. Navigam extins de-a lungul Coastei Australiei de Est cu catamaranul nostru de 13 metri. Alăturați-vă nouă în timp ce explorăm noi zone de croazieră, bare transversale, remediam tot felul de probleme, călărim în vreme nefavorabilă și trăim la bord pentru perioade lungi de timp. Avem chiar și o listă de redare care ne duce pe bărcile altor oameni. Sperăm că videoclipurile noastre îi încurajează pe alții să se îmbarce și să experimenteze acest stil de viață fantastic. Dacă doriți să ne urmăriți în timp real, consultați pagina noastră de Facebook …… Marfa Cruising East Coast Australia este acum disponibilă la:- https://motor-sailing-for-old-dudes.creator-spring.com /listing/motor-sailing-for-of-dudes.


20 thoughts on “Episodul 32 Wombi vine și Wombi pleacă

  1. Sad to see that you are now on your own. It takes courage to make a good life without a partner, however you are never far from shore and like minded souls who enjoy a yarn and good company. Stick to it and you'll find it has its compensations, you can decide what to do and where to go without consultation. I have no doubt you can have companionship whenever and wherever you wish, plenty of opportunities out there.

  2. Why did I know this separation was coming? I am devastated that you and Wendy have broken up. Most of all; I AM GOING TO MISS MY MATE LORD TED! Woof Woof old bean. Hope you stay in good spirits. I am very sorry for you both, and I hope that you both find your ultimate happiness. It is no longer going to be fun waiting for the upcoming episodes that I found inspiring. Cheers Normie. Hang in there "Old Son". Best wishes to Wendy and "Lord Ted" CHEERS!

  3. I’m very sorry , for both of you, to hear Wombi has had to go back to Byron. Particularly because of her health issues. I wish you both the very best.

  4. I'm blaming Ted. That prick had the shits with you ever since he had to wait 18 hours for a shit; always in her ear about how she could do better. Joke. All the best to you and Wombi in the future. (Not Ted though…..he gossips too much).

  5. Oh norm sorry to hear this my bf and I love wombi and the norm. It’s so so sad. Cheer up norm. We are all still here for you. All the best wombi we will miss you xoxoxoxoxoxo

  6. Sorry you are losing Wombi as your crew. Hope Wombi's health is able to improve so she can join you sometime in the future. You are certainly in a nice part of the world and somehow when you are able to share it with others it makes it even better. Hey Norm, I reckon you have so many followers now that as you travel up and down the coast you should call out to see if other Old dudes or even young ones come and join you for a few days between ports. Just a thought.

  7. Will miss Wombi, a breath of fresh air, look after your health and loving thoughts with you. norm Wombi has sailed with you through good times and bad. W0MBI needs support ,step up and be there for her '

  8. Well finally Norm comes out with his true colours , a selfish , uncaring, self centered , heartless son of a bitch , Wendy issuch a lovely genuine lady who has shared your life for a while , but the minute she needs to be shown some care , love , affection , support , its “ let’s be friend “ I will keep on motor sailing
    Norm you are a DISCRACE” to the “ real men’s workd”.
    Shame on you for not supporting Wendy in her moments of needs 👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎

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