Câte lucruri greșite vezi în acest videoclip? Să vedem dacă vezi minim 2.

Câte lucruri greșite vezi în acest videoclip?  Să vedem dacă vezi minim 2.

Câte lucruri greșite vezi în acest videoclip? Să vedem dacă vezi minim 2.


33 thoughts on “Câte lucruri greșite vezi în acest videoclip? Să vedem dacă vezi minim 2.

  1. The group on the front of the yacht is not diverse or inclusive enough and the yacht itself is the color of the colonizer.

  2. I only noticed one issue, there are no black or Latino people on board. Oh wait! They’re probably in the servants quarters preparing lunch for the racist whites.😂

  3. Radar isn’t on. Other than that, nothing. That boat is huge and stable, and they don’t need life jackets. Sure, it wouldn’t hurt but it’s certainly not wrong with calm conditions like that.

  4. Open array radar off, fender hanging loose astern, too fast, incorrect sound signal, generating too much wake near moored vessels, too fast, no PDFs on deck.

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