„Procese de intimidare” pentru a zdrobi jurnalismul de investigație | SLAPP

„Procese de intimidare” pentru a zdrobi jurnalismul de investigație |  SLAPP

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7 thoughts on “„Procese de intimidare” pentru a zdrobi jurnalismul de investigație | SLAPP

  1. Make the ones bringing the lawsuits liable for the payment of defendants legal fees and subject to some huge fines if and when they lose. Then sanction legal firms for bringing frivolous lawsuits. 😢

  2. Well done with that clip at the end. I surely hope you both stay safe from the kind of thing Evgeny Prigozhin perpetrated AND fell victim to, and from the miserable Slapp suits you're now apparently being threatened with. I completely agree with @thomasw5430, with the additional caveat that the sanctions and penalties should take place immediately as it is discovered that a firm is bringing these types of suits. They should be quenched right away and not allowed to proceed.

  3. A fine example of how eSysman benefits viewers. This is an insidious problem that is underreported by news media the world over. Good job here SYN! Cheers.

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