Finalizăm turul în jurul insulei Mauritius până la Port Louis unde este planificată următoarea oprire tehnică. Tehnicienii Grand Large vor zbura pentru a pregăti ambarcațiunile pentru una dintre cele mai complexe pasaje cu care ne vom confrunta în săptămânile următoare: traversarea de la La Reunion în Africa de Sud.
Încă rotunjește Mauritius – Mahebourg la Port Louis – Sailing Greatcircle (ep. 318)
7 thoughts on “Încă rotunjește Mauritius – Mahebourg la Port Louis – Sailing Greatcircle (ep. 318)”
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What a fabulous sail, that kite/foil thing. It looks really powerful. Not cheap, im sure…
Good luck with getting safely around Madagascar to Cape Town and better never be where strong southwesterly winds meet the Agulhas current
Hi Crew, like always, wonderful pictures. THX for taken me there… Kind Regards Buggy
I worry about Marijke being on antibiotics, but happy to see she recovered enough to enjoy the beautifull environment and good company lateron. You didn’t tell what happened?? Beautifull images again….. from the drone in particular
Wish I was there 😊
And as per usual, the videog5raphy and music was impeccable, still the best out there