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O zi din VIAȚA MEA (16 ani, trăind pe o barcă cu pânze) Ep 261
19 thoughts on “O zi din VIAȚA MEA (16 ani, trăind pe o barcă cu pânze) Ep 261”
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well atleast after getting ran over by the car she didn't get ran over by the boat….. Kate should get into paintings and start marketing that? she's certainly got some awesome landscapes!!
Not missing anything..You are an individual gem Kate.Your new friends will make you shinier!
Great day and video!
Loved the video with KATE!!! so cool.
Yaay Kate… 🙂 You do You….:)
Where does the poopy go?
where does finn get his sweaters from????
My thoughts exactly😊Great job Kate time to create your own channel and make some 💵💲
The BEST part is on 7:23…. I Love to see them still play together in sync!
Great content! My favorite part was when you upgraded your toast to a bagel. Can we say upgrade!!!
Kate you be you. You are on a boat full of extroverts. It’s okay to be an introvert. Introverts make things happen without having to make noise. It’s actually a very powerful position! Continue to be confident in your own skin. You’re a great person just like you are. ⛵️
Nice to see some of Kate on video. Rounds out the full family.
Donate for a Dream
Whats the name of the song that they said they couldn’t use and to turn it off?
Best video by far
I actually relate to Kate between all of you
Banger video!!!
0:41 0:48 0:48
Bye guys! I'm going back to my province, no internet there, take care Keith Renè Ana Finn Jack and Kate
I had my first sail on a sailboat in October 2022. I am infatuated with the sailing life and when I found the Sailing Zatara Channel I binged watched and I must say, What an amazing experience you all have and i am loving the videos of your family and the CRAZY (in my perspective) things you all do. Thank you for such interesting content!
i wondered if you guys use solar panels. or if you ever thought about getting them. love the videos!