Sailing Safar Ep 13 – 6 zile SOLO în Oceanul Atlantic (Pt 2)

Sailing Safar Ep 13 - 6 zile SOLO în Oceanul Atlantic (Pt 2)

În acest episod, ne reluăm aventurile de la bordul Safar, continuând un pasaj solo de 6 zile fără oprire către Insulele Canare. Mă simt frustrat de condițiile de-a lungul traseului, dar avem câteva momente ocazionale în care Safar chiar ajunge să se întindă și să facă praf de pe pânzele de păianjen. Vă rugăm să luați în considerare să apăsați BUTONUL DE LIKE și să lăsați un comentariu mai jos, dacă îți place conținutul. (Aparent, ajută cu algoritmul Youtube)


15 thoughts on “Sailing Safar Ep 13 – 6 zile SOLO în Oceanul Atlantic (Pt 2)

  1. Absolutely love, watching your adventure Good editing skills👌 I love your boat beautiful keep going💪💪💪🫡🫡

  2. Never considered two headsails on the same fuller. Pretty cool. Would like to hear about your drone kit and how you get it on and off the boat while underway.

  3. Your boat is my favorite of all that are the tube!!! She has such perfect lines and rig!!! The drone shots of her under way are fantastic!! Thanks for sharing

  4. Hi Morgan, you have a new Patreon 🎉, for anyone interested in sailing, the challenges, the thinking behind the decisions with the highs and lows of making bad calls, Morgan is a mine of good sailing knowledge (the only suggestion is to show how you set up your sailing and not just the end result), I truly believe you have a unique style and safe one, that many could learn from – please do not change! Also super impressed with how clean you keep the boat, she looks stunning at all times – well done!

  5. Just found your channel. I enjoyed watching this. Would love it if you could explain a bit how you do your sleep while solo sailing and also how and why you choose a certain marina and the clearing in and out procedures. Blessings to you my friend

  6. I absolutely love Safar! I found it easier and more comfortable to just tack downwind. I got tired of rigging spinnaker poles and going directly downward only to be constantly rolling ear to ear. Broad reaching is faster and you don't roll as much with the main up.

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