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Ai naviga vreodată pe această barcă de curse? (VO65 Partea 2) | Pasul 369

37 thoughts on “Ai naviga vreodată pe această barcă de curse? (VO65 Partea 2) | Pasul 369”
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Guys I have followed you from the very beginning & I love everything you do. Although I hate the cold. But I eventually understood the why you went up there. And I saw every ep.
Putting all that aside. I have a question. Have you asked your Patreons & paypals if they want to see you reno Uma? Only I follow other channels as well & I see the success of channels that are on old boats upgrading to bigger & better only to become successful. E.g. Catalpa, Wildly Intrepid & there are more. Just curious as to what they think.
Have to shout out Dans drone skills, while they were never not good, they have really become quite incredible. On this voyage, Dan got some amazing footage, anyone who wasn’t aware would have believed that was a professional helicopter camera crew making those shots. Well done Dan! And Kika and her editing skills… you expertly brought everything together, as always. You two are a fantastic team! Cheers from

Greetings from the landlocked and snow covered Austria
This week on "Not sailing Uma"…
now that you got a shirt from the Austrians, visit Austria! (perhaps with the landy, sailing Uma upstream the danube is boring)
Greetings from Austria! 
What a trip. Loved it
What a time
Thanks for sharing.
Thanks for sharing! I think it’s amazing that a professional racing team lets non-professionals help with deliveries. They create great opportunities and introduce so many to the world of racing without requiring the long commitment. So many moments on board reminded me of the Clipper race – also raced by everyday people, but with a longer time commitment
What a wonderful experience 4 U 2 have, Kika & Dan! Thank U 4 sharing it with us. Safe travels
Superb! And…Everyone likes talking to Kika!!

. What a great experience, and a truly beautiful vessel. Great diving in Malta btw. If it's not too late, look up John the Scouse at Dive Deep Blue, Bugibba
0 – 0
Nah! That looked like work. Want more pampering, at least have a private toilet. Beautiful boat day racing. Blessings
Love the catch! But where are the gloves (catchers Mit). Looking forward to the rebuild design!
Fantastic episode. The movie is incredible and very very well done. Congratulations!
So you came to my island. Its a pity I didnt know you were coming, because me being a fan of yours would have loved to say hello.
Loved this video. I spent 6 months sailing from Charleston all over the Med and back on. minesweeper, MSO 422. 179 ft, made out of wood. This trip brought back a lot of memories, thanks.
That passage look like so much fun. Great video
The last scene was the best
And consider: If half of the crew would have been female the head would have been occupied all the time…
What a fun adventure you provided us. Really enjoyed these two vids. I know you are anxious to get Uma back under sail but you are giving us some great adventures away from her. Your land adventures with your truck (really enjoy) and things like this. You seem to want and enjoy these side adventures and from my perspective, so do we/I. Very well presented. Keep it up!
Wrong. If you sink. Losing the footage would be catastrophic. Literally the most valuable thing you could lose in your youtube career besides your lives.
10:00 why don't u use gloves like Falconry Gloves for catching drones ?
i can't believe that Dan ad Kika have been cheating on Uma with another boat whilst she's have a facelift
I feel so betrayed!!! FAKE EATING???

very nice AND Great money shots with the drone. Very beautiful

Great voyage. Extremely enjoyable. Great interviews. Thanks for bringing us all along.
Literally my dream…. Some day. Some day.
I wish I could this but I’m in Australia and they don’t have a team
I can't agree more with Little Claire. On the mic-extensions. Which one of the two of you came up with that idea? Or someone else? Btw…Austrian boat….Skipper from Holland.
My girlfriend and I just got ASA101 certified last weekend in Seattle. Can't wait to start getting some more time crewing and at the helm!
Frank's English must be the best the world's ever heard a frenchman utter since the invention of the baguette.
You have not epoxied a grab handle on the underside (of the drone)?
You answered me 30 seconds later…
Yeah grande! Fabulous! You "nailed " it guys!!! Congratulazioni Kika & Dan

… And little SV Uma
What a memorabile experience to cross the Mediterranean in such and awesome boat
That was great! Glad you had such favorable weather!
Hi Kika. I have always enjoyed your videos. Your skills are amazing. Even though I don't sail I enjoyed watching your guy's adventures from day one.
I have a technical question, what do you do when you finish your videos? Do you keep them on your laptop? I remember one of your videos you bought like a big box with hard drives, I don't remember the episode number, but do you keep every single video from all the cameras in there? I doing videos for my daughter who plays softball and trying to help her edit videos for college.
Not sure if you may have time to reply if so thanks if not cheers, and I will keep learning from your videos.
Discovered your channel yesterday and hooked. This series reminds me of ocean racing and my Transatlantic and Transpacific trips.
The different objects for holding the mic on lolololol
I took you up on the discount offer. I’ll be on the Alicante to Lanzarote leg, crewing the Sisi.
Really interesting!