Alăturați-vă nouă în larg în timp ce navigam pe pasajul nostru Hunter de la Ibiza la Gibraltar, în timp ce părăsim Mediterana. Reinstalăm al doilea recif înainte de a pleca pe un pasaj de 4 zile pe mare. VIDEO NOI ÎN FIECARE VINERI! Vă rugăm să vă abonați și să distribuiți videoclipurile noastre – fiecare sprijin este foarte apreciat, ne continuă călătoria și conținutul să vină! CAMERA NOASTRĂ DE ACȚIUNE – Insta360 X3 de la @insta360 – Obțineți un stick selfie invizibil gratuit cu achiziția dvs. folosind link-ul nostru: MÂNERE DE TRILIU – The Flipper by Easysea – Utilizare codul nostru de cupon: JIBSEA10 pentru o reducere de 5%! o achiziție efectuată prin link-ul de mai jos ajută să ne susținem călătoria fără costuri suplimentare pentru dvs. APARATORUL NOSTRU – SeaWaterPro AC Double Membrane – o achiziție efectuată prin linkul de mai jos ajută la susține călătoria noastră fără costuri suplimentare pentru tine Vânzele noastre – Precision Sails VIZITĂȚI MAGAZINUL NOSTRU DE SWAG – arătați-vă sprijinul pentru canalul nostru rockin some Lucruri interesante NOSTRA VEDEREA AMAZONĂ – cumpără articolele și produsele noastre preferate pe care le-am folosit pentru proiecte și reparații de ambarcațiuni DACĂ VREI SUSȚINEȚI CĂLĂTORIA NOASTRA – primiți actualizări exclusive și filmări bonus ALTE MODALITĂȚI DE A NE SPRIJINE – pentru a face o contribuție unică pentru a ne susține călătoria și a canaliza PayPal: https:/ / Interac E-Transfer: VREI MAI MULT? Urmărește-ne AICI https :// #sailing #offgird #oceancrossing

21 thoughts on “OFFSHORE SAILING + DE CE PLECĂM – Ep 163”
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Soooo it looks like your hook sets need to be stronger. But, salt water fishing is definitely different then freshwater fishing. You need to reel FASTER. You are giving the fish a chance to shake off the hook and therefore loosing them.
Just an observation from a saltwater fisherman.
Glad to hear you are getting ready to head back to the Caribbean. Europe has been interesting but, with winter on it's way, the Caribbean is where my heart is. Thanks for continuing to share your journey
Really enjoy your adventures. Smooth sailing with a few fish catches on the way.
Nice one you two. Are you going to have problems with the Orcas leaving Gibraltar? @ small tuna enough for the both of you which was great. I've noticed while fishing your Dinghy seems to be in the way. I guess once you do the crossing the Dinghy will be put on the bow of Jibsea.

Nice hair cut by the way
Looking forward to next video stay safe
Glad you caught a fish eventually .
You could have come south for the winter
Safe sailing !
So, it’s only a race if you win???
Once around the MED if you please- but now it is time for Jibsea to go to a friendly winter-based climate more to our liking & budget.
85 degrees, white sandy beaches, rum infused cocktails, reasonable marina prices.
Exiting Gibraltar- we all know what that means. Traveling with buddy boats matters.
Banana bread passages- Chef Steph on the Do's and Don'ts. Fresh provisions & fuel/water before heading off to Tenerife.
Been nice following your journey on the other side of pond. Scotland & Orkney Islands were super kool. Great photography.
Back in the Carib- for the winter. U could keep going west. Panama & the canal are just over that horizon. Baja Mexico, Sea of Cortez.
Cheap prices, easy flights to the USA. Up the West Coast? Hawaii looms on the distant horizon. It is only a matter of going.
U might see another U-Tuber I watch SV Basix near the Canal- heading into the Carib soon-San Andreas Island? Capt. Rick Moore's
territory. U two stay safe on the journey across the Atlantic.
Well this was a fun passage. Fast is good, yet comfortable for you guys (and the equipment) is also good
Love you caught a fish (or 2……..ever thought of a deep net rather than a gaff?). The small ones are healthier with less mercury.
and usually sweeter. E.x.c.i.t.m.e.n.t. with a new Atlantic crossing coming up
With you
guys all the way.
Love to be on board for the crossing. See you next time.

Greetings from BC Canada. Long time follower of you two. I’m looking forward to being a virtual passenger as you transit the Atlantic. Think of me while I winter sail in the gulf islands. Your upcoming videos in warmer waters will take the chill off.
When your bringing your fish in release the ratchet. If not you'll f– it. Only use it so that you here a strike. Hope this helps.
You make a great couple. As one who is married to an Asian woman, I feel they are far superior to any other women. They are very strong, very smart and are very nurturing. Keep up the great vlogs and I look forward to watching them.
You guys ate the worst fisherman ever, my
Can't wait to see ya'll in wormer waters. Be safe out there. And I well be watch your next video from our lanai here on the Big Island.
coming over the Horizon someday. 
Who knows maybe I will see your sails
So until next time, Be safe have fun life is short.
So Aloha from the Big Island of Hawaii!
Been a while, a long time since I commented.
Glad to see you made it all the way to other locations
That's exactly how Antigua Sailing Week started 50+ years ago
A handful or so of hotel owners would get together for a sail on their individual sailboats at the end of the tourist season. It was just a "relaxing cruise" and as you said, it always ended up being a race
That's how "race week" was born.
In regards to your reel, put your clicker in the silent mode when you're winding in a fish. You'll get a longer life or of it before having to replace it. It'll save the clicker from having to be replaced. When gaffing a fish, try to gaff the fish just behind the head in the soft spot (just in case you didn't know
If by any chance you're planning on visiting Antigua, let me know and I'll come out and meet you guys. I'll be there in Dec.
Enjoy your videos
Great trip over the Atlantic!
Can't wait for the crossing. No matter where you go , you always make it interesting and informative. Love your channel
Nice video
How are you liking Madeira?