După ce Ryan abordează fuga de uragan, plecând singur din furtună, punându-și la încercare abilitățile și curajul, alăturați-vă nouă săptămâna aceasta, Duminica Navigației, pentru o aventură palpitantă a unui marinar solo care învinge furtuna și îmbrățișează haosul! Urmărește viața crudă a unui marinar solo, care trăiește la bord și se confruntă cu realitățile dure ale furiei naturii! SITE WEB SAILING SUNDAY: https://www.svsunday.com SAILING SUNDAY SHOP: https://svsunday.com/online-shop-home/ DONAȚII DE ANIMALE DE STRADA: https://www.paypal.me/jacksonstreats PATREON: https: //www.patreon.com/sailingsunday SOCIAL MEDIA: Conturi de Instagram @sailing_sunday @brittnimoffatt @ryanweepers @jacksontheshepherdx @animalrescueyachtclub Facebook https://www.facebook.com/sailingsunday TikTok @animalrescueyachtclub
Călărind singur pe furtună! | SAILING DUMINICĂ Ep. 223

30 thoughts on “Călărind singur pe furtună! | SAILING DUMINICĂ Ep. 223”
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Dude I live on the west coast of Fl. Take your canvas down. Tie a line around your furled sail and do a daisy chain line on your mainsail cover. It is normally required to double up your stern and bow lines. You have a lot of windage on that boat. All the best.
Ryan awesome video and yea thankfully you moving down south was a good move. Brit congrats on Aussie Citizenship. Ryan have a great NB sail. Looking forward to next video
Another great story

Congratulations Britni!!!my sister lives in West Palm.
Congrats Brit on making the jump to become a true blue Aussie, welcome.
It's weird seeing Ryan so serious. Used to seeing him joking &just clowning around.
Cracking episode. Sail Safe Guys, Ant & Cid.
Congratulations Brittni on becoming an Aussie..
cheers guys!
What a great episode. The editing and composition is just brilliant and would have to be one of the best I've ever seen. Nice to see the short footage of Brittni getting "Gum Leafed"… go you good Aussie. Sad farewells but always great memories and the knowledge it's not forever. Looking forward to the next episode as you head north with R&L.
Brilliant episode. Brittini the Aussie… well done… Who was the geek wearing a suit in the prom picture…
Come on cob, lots of just in cases, if we all did just in case we would be too scared to have a haircut, you have proved so many times you have trusted your gut, your base instinct and experience have got you covered.
I live in myrtle beach sc I remember that storm. Or them storms glad your ok.
Congrats Brittni!!! I had no idea you are together for so long! So cute.
Great episode

Congratulations Brittany
Groovy episode. Congrats Brit. Cheers Sir Jackson.
Congrats Brit!!!
Hurricane prep keeps you busy and alert. And then the long wait! Congrats to Brittini! Way to go.
glad you avoided any damage from storm, congrats on the citizenship. Aussie Aussie Aussie…..oy oy oy. Cheers mates.
It's good that you weathered the hurricane well and got through it safely

…and congratulations to Brittini, a "new Australian"
….hugs for Jackson
…stay safe and have fun

Britney rightaway the most beatifull woman down under.
Congrats for the Koala
Hey, you were not alone; you had the mutt dog.
A "monster category 4 storm" (nothing like sensationalizing it to scare everyone more.) It was the Godzilla storm! Ooooooo! But don't worry, monster slayer Ryan was there.
Hercules was a punk! 
Such a fun episode!! I might watch it again!
Ryan looks younger, Jackson happy, true or false Britney do you have to say you like Vegimite to become an Australian citizen?
Congratulations Brittni!

Congratulations cutie
Great to see it all turned out and congratulations to Brittni

Congrats Brittany on your citizenship and you are the most lovely looking woman you’re really beautiful Ryan is very lucky you’re both lucky and you have a great channel and I love watching you too and I now donate to Xf paws $10 a month which isn’t much but it’s something because of you too