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Eroare de construcție înseamnă că „Megayacht” va fi tăiat la jumătate! | Clipuri SY
10 thoughts on “Eroare de construcție înseamnă că „Megayacht” va fi tăiat la jumătate! | Clipuri SY”
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Frankenship gets added parts.
In construction terms, this would be known as a 'change order' as opposed to a conversion.
No sweat off this guy's brows. While most of us make money hourly or bi-weekly, this guy makes money in tidal waves and avalanches.
Who was the naval architect? If was the shipyard's own then yes they are responsible, otherwise no.
Did the shipyard DESIGN it? If so it is the ship[yard's fault. If not then they delivered what was ordered.
Prone to turning turtle? Start over? Five years late? Sounds like a typical build to me.
Can they put in a stabilizer? Sounds like tax evasion. Research “pleasure” vessel? Sure
We had the same problem here in Sweden a while back with our VASA ship. It was too top heavy, because they installed a third gun deck.
I learned to not reply on the least expensive price product / supplier at a young age. Seems like some one did not learn that lesson.
I had to stop the video as you started bragging about how you’re the first to report on it. And then you have to go on to prove how smart you are in your report. Who cares?