Dezastru la 3 dimineata!

Dezastru la 3 dimineata!

Economisiți 20% reducere la Motion 300 din 17 noiembrie pentru Reducerea de Vinerea Neagră! Link produs: Canada Presale: #soundcoreSpeaker #Motion300WirelessHi-Res #soundcoreMotion300 Dezastrul lovește la ora 3 dimineața, când o furtună mare de vânt trece prin ancorajul nostru și tragem ancora! M-am trezit și am văzut un doc la doar câțiva metri de barca noastră și linia țărmului la doar câțiva metri mai departe. A trebuit să acționăm rapid pentru a salva barca de avarii. A fost totul pe punte pentru a rezolva această problemă și a pune barca în siguranță. Acest canal este finanțat de spectatori ca tine. Vă rugăm să ne ajutați să menținem acest canal să creeze conținut grozav devenind un patron. Alăturați-vă acestui canal pentru a obține acces la avantaje: Donați prin Paypal pentru a ajuta Get My Kinda Party de Jason Aldean și peste 1 milion de piese principale aici ID de licență: WDxnAV0ek8w


26 thoughts on “Dezastru la 3 dimineata!

  1. In my opinion the music with lyrics is to overbearing and actually takes away from the video. To much going on with the lyrics and you speaking. To jumbled and like you can’t focus on what your saying cause of the lyrics. Music is fine by itself. Not worth the $$$

  2. Bobby, I don't think the premium music is necessary. When you were diving on the anchor, tied to the dock, the sinister music in the background conveyed your stress level perfectly, and I don't think that was anything premium. Stick with the basics. They got you where you are, and they'll keep you there!

  3. Good job as usual. For me, the newer music isn't worth it btw. Also really good job freeing the anchor Bobby. I was thinking get a rope on it, when you said it too…

  4. Music definitely makes a difference. It’s nice to hear something worth listening to in the background for once on a YouTube channel.

  5. i've enjoyed your videos for years, but the country music is a big negative….. I know, i'm not a Patreon, but FYI…. I'm circumnavigating and now in Auckland… thank you for your entertainment

  6. ⚓🚤⛵⚓🚤⛵⚓🚤⛵⚓🚤⛵⚓🚤⛵⚓🚤⛵⚓🚤⛵⚓🚤⛵✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨💝💘💝💘💝💘💝💘💝💘💝💘💝💘💝💘💝💘💝💘💝💘💝💘❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍🫶🏻🫶🏻🫶🏻🫶🏻🫶🏻🫶🏻🫶🏻🫶🏻🫶🏻

  7. Nice work Bobby and crew. dragging anchor ALWAYS happens in the middle of the night, even to highly-experienced sailors like Bobby. But cool heads and competence prevailed.

  8. NO TO THE PREMIUM MUSIC! Music from ELFL and Particle House and other similar music has really set the mood for so many special moments (whether it was with "Steph", Gigi, Elody, Flur/Megane, Sydney, etc.)… The music has been genius and really set a mood. So much of it is likely unfamiliar to most viewers and therefore YOU are putting the memories to that music for the viewer's association instead of playing music the viewer's probably already associate with something else! YOU need to keep bringing us new experiences and dreams and the music that has been included in so many of the videos (esp. much of the 80s sounding synth-wave selections) have really worked on an emotional/magic level. Please keep up what you were doing and put the money on something other than music many viewers will already connects to something else. And for the record, I feel like you have ABSOLUTELY NOT sounded like every other YouTube channel with (the majority of) your music selection. There have been a couple of times, but very often, not at all. Perhaps if you can do a little of the "premium" music and still keep what has made your videos unique?

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