Testul vremii și a vântului imprevizibil îl face pe căpitan să ia în considerare Harakiri. Aflați mai multe despre acest ritual japonez și alăturați-vă nouă în unele dintre ultimele noastre zile sălbatice, mergând la Luperon, Republica Dominicană, din Man-O-War, Bahamas. ❤️ Ti-a placut acest videoclip? Abonați-vă la acest canal și apăsați clopoțelul de notificări pentru a nu rata niciun videoclip nou! ————————————————————————— Alăturați-vă unei comunități de marinari inspirați și aspiranți, primiți mai mulți vagabonzi pe o barcă cu fluxuri live și mesaje și arătați puțină dragoste aici . www.patreon.com/bumsonaboat Întrebări frecvente Ce camere folosesc? CAMERA PRINCIPALA: https://amzn.to/3rLoNvj LENTILE: https://amzn.to/3MnYwuZ CAMERA ZOOM: https://amzn.to/3LaKDQP GOPRO: https://amzn.to/37yBVgK DRONE: https: //amzn.to/3v6FuDG ————————————————————————— Rămâneți conectat! 🔗 Facebook: [www.facebook.com/bumsonaboat]
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Căpitanul a fost atât de aproape! Sailing South Pt. 4 | BOAB 256
18 thoughts on “Căpitanul a fost atât de aproape! Sailing South Pt. 4 | BOAB 256”
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Looking forward to seeing you get back to Chakmatay and what you have planned for the future. I know that Nicole from Sailing Arta has her Bristol Cutter on the hard in Luperon too. I wonder if both boats are in the same yard. Be good, and if you can't be good, don't get caught.
Thanks Joel, I appreciate the video’s
Good vibes your way my friend.
Good video captain Joel.
I really enjoy your post ! My regards the vagps .
So true, many times with plans its let go let god, or whatever higher power is working for the greater good. Way to right out some stormage!
Good Stuff!!
I’ve recently had some plans blow up in my face. Good reminder to adapt and just keep going. It will all work out in the end.
Love traveling with you, Joel. Thanks! 😎❤️😎❤️😎
You’re looking happier again mate 👍🏻
Sailing is good for you 🙂
I think that God sometimes changes our plans to SAVE us from impending disasters, keep him in your Heart and you will be fine. Did you ever look up the word Analema?? YT channels Divergent, and My Lunch Break will add to your knowledge base….both will surprise you beyond belief as our world history is mostly fiction…even U.S. history. Divergent will cover the flat earth topic and history, and MLB will cover the architectural history. When you are done I think you will be able to figure out what's coming and it's not good. Live Long and Prosper…
Great series, Joel. Being grateful is the pinnacle of adaptive coping. On, on!! Cheers
I am really enjoying your content. Thank you for sharing and keep them coming.
Is there a way to. Contact the captain if so please let me know…I want to sail again….
Your alright my bro ,just keep on keeping on after all , talk is talk at 2 am you face the real demons,
You been working out or something? Looking like David Hasselhoff
Just keep going, man! It's a beautiful life you live!
Love and death the same pain, none of us will escape it, we have to learn to live with them both , mentally and emotionally, sad but true to be happy, you couldn't be in a better place Joel, on a sailboat cruising into sunsets, God bless good to see u here😀