Maiden Voyage Leg 1 Finale (Ep.30) #sailing

Maiden Voyage Leg 1 Finale (Ep.30) #sailing

Acesta este finalul etapei 1 și rezumatul călătoriei pentru călătoria noastră inaugurală All Together, din Franța până în Insulele Canare. Aceasta este o SERIE PASSAGE specială care prezintă VLOG-ul nostru ZILNIC pe care îl postăm (aproape) în timp real, datorită (NOUL nostru, redundant) Starlink. Scopul nostru este să scoatem puțin din mister dintr-un pasaj lung. ⚓ Alăturați-vă nouă în timp ce învățăm ce este nevoie pentru a ocoli cu succes și a face tranziția la croazieră pe croaziera. 🆓Canalul nostru de navigație nu este în prezent FĂRĂ REclame, dar există și alte modalități prin care puteți susține proiectul Outremer 52. 👍🏻 Dați like, abonați-vă, distribuiți videoclipurile noastre de pe YouTube sau consultați blogul, podcastul sau paginile sociale de mai jos. ⭐️Urmăriți noul nostru blog de navigație cu catamaran! 🎧COVERTCASTAWAY PODCAST oriunde ascultați sau transmiteți în flux direct la INSTAGRAM: FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook. com/SailingAwen/ GRUP FACEBOOK: 📧TRIBĂȚI-NE E-MAIL: 🌎URMĂȚI-NE la ⛵️AWEN va fi prezentat la MIAMI BOAT SHOW! Ne întâlnim acolo!! Aflați mai multe despre datele spectacolului: OUTREMER 52 REVIZIA PROPRIETARII: 🎶 MUZICA de Epidemic Sound ––––––––––––––––– ––––––––––––––– Buna ziua! Suntem Holly și Stephane 🇺🇸🇫🇷 Am făcut tranziția de la profesioniști cu normă întreagă a software-ului din zona Golfului SF la exploratori de croaziere care țin mereu cu ochii pe vreme și pe inimile noastre într-un cântec. Scopul nostru este să finalizăm o circumnavigație și recent am trecut la un catamaran de performanță și suntem îndrăgostiți nebunește de Outremer 52. Lucrăm cu Outremer în Franța (cu ajutorul Google translate) pentru a lansa proiectul nostru cu barca și a începe călătoria noastră ca vagabonzi navigatori. Deși nu este o cursă sau un test de viteză, facem prima noastră traversare Bluewater anul acesta și suntem încântați să o vedem pe AWEN întinzându-și picioarele și dansând pe apă. Alăturați-vă nouă în timp ce împărtășim ceea ce învățăm trăind fără Amazon, (dar cu Starlink) și încercați această nouă viață de călătorie și aventură pe ocean. Vă rugăm să aveți răbdare cu noi, deoarece continuăm să ne îmbunătățim abilitățile de vlogging YouTube. Scopul nostru nu este să ne transformăm viața într-un film, ci să dăm înapoi ceea ce ne-au împărtășit alții, motiv pentru care nu ne monetizăm canalul. Mai multe despre noi aici: #outremer #boatlife #catamaran #travelvlog #digitalnomad #lifestyle #sailboats #stayhealthy #learning #vlog #podcast #live #motivation #travel #nomad #boattour #sailingadventure #bucketlist #aventura #mediteraneana #nomad #pensie #aventura asteapta #ocean #invatare #orca © Sailing AWEN 2023


26 thoughts on “Maiden Voyage Leg 1 Finale (Ep.30) #sailing

  1. Congrats. Enjoy your time in the Canaries. What is leaking in the bilge? Good on ‘ya Grand Large for the first class service, Awen deserves it with their commitment and goal of showing in Miami for sure.

  2. I admire all of you. I made two trips back in the 80's from Tampa Florida to Panama city Florida. One 62 hours and one 45 hours on old boats with hand steering. I can't sleep on anything moving it seems. I will never do that again without an auto pilot. Just two of us on each trip. I got so tired i swear the clouds on the horizon looked like trees and even looked green. Never slept a wink on either trip. I might be able to afford a boat like yours some day but it will just be a very expensive day sailor. Thanks for all you do to share with us. They don't make sailboats like toyotas. I have 4 of them from 2003 to 2019 and i have not spent much more than 1000$ all of them together. They seldom ever break. I would love have a sailboat engineered like that. Never happen.

  3. One thing is the relatively mild swell surfing Stephane was doing on the day of the steering failure. So a cotter pin sheared off or fell out and the pin was bent while being dislodged? That seems very unusual and beefing that up with plenty of replacement parts on hand is essential. As you guys know, big ocean swells are really large and can be fun for Multihulls. It is scary at first but once you get into a groove, and as long as the sea state isn't confused it's a hoot. My guess is Stephane has the surfing bug and he will be riding the wild surf. 🙂

    A live video session would be great!👍

  4. Thank you so so much for sharing your journey! Leg 1 Wrap awesome!
    Yes please do a live session!
    Quick question on the tiller steering with the broken or bent pin. Did you have full functionality at the tiller or was it impaired as well?
    I'm very curious about how having these two different systems may create redundancy for safety. Thank you so much again!

  5. Hi Guys,
    I have a few questions:
    1. What is the weather model for the Med you said was the best?
    2. Was there any discussion with Outremer about the need to gimble the oven and stove top?
    3. I prefer the electric cooktop to gas for several reasons (e.g. safety, cant refill gas in the middle of the Atlantic) but many many cruisers still use gas. Was there any discussion on Awen or with Outremer about gas versus electric?

  6. I’m really enjoying this concept of the daily passage updates, now made possible by that amazing Starlink technology. As a keen sailor wanting to the same as you both with my wife (also a slightly nervous crew😅) Outremer is definitely on my short list of boats, so this makes it even more interesting. Hope you continue this on the next leg, good luck to you both.

  7. Thank you Holly & Stephane for your reports on what happened during your Med crossing Gilbraltar and the details of your technical data. It's very interesting to get to know some of the issues you had to deal with, the wind conditions, the lost steering and the gear shifter. Happy to hear you had the best service from Outremer shipping new spare parts and crew next week for your boat, that's perfect !
    Good to know that Keith from Zatara confirmed the technical problem, and was supporting you early in the morning in the Canaries. What a shake down ! Hopefuly, you can relax over the sunshine for a few days….visting the area and nice beaches. Looking forward to see also how it goes with the spanish people in the Canaries prior to leg 2…..

  8. Thank you so much for these daily videos🙏. I appreciate your humility, which is a great sailing quality (there are so many people who explain that it would be better to do things differently…). You make a great team (and couple🙂) and your sharing is invaluable!

  9. We love to follow your adventure and
    ,as a couple
    , we are thinking about the same kind of experience. If we are not mistaken, Holly, you mentioned about books you read that helped you to prepare yourself, may I ask which were these books and what was your préfère one? Enjoy your break in Canaria islands!

  10. Hi
    Thanks for the videos, interesting for me because we have the 52n03 and I'll check the steering better if you make videos.
    Sorry for my English we are French 😅.
    Good winds and enjoy your trip.
    Thanks a lot.
    Marie and Martial

  11. Love the content and humility. Raw and real for all of us planning our adventures in your footsteps. Yes live session would be perfect. Would love it!

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