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Iată videoclipurile Bluewater Sailboat OFF GRID LIVING care ți-ar putea plăcea și
Alone OFF GRID Yq8Ot-8Ht5E
OFF GRID DUș în aer liber
OFF GRID WILD ENCONTRARE (Urgency Room Her Next Stop) / Vă rugăm să vă abonați la canalul nostru pentru videoclipuri săptămânale Sailing Around the World!
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Găsiți vlog-ul nostru de navigație și aici: site-ul Dawn Hunters #offgrid #SAILBOAT # Navigație Vă mulțumim pentru sprijin, Dawn Hunters

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Awesome video guys!!!
You need a ground wire tight into ground and your wife leg or arm
Yana … you're somethin' special ! William … oh well, blessings, Son!
You guys are fun to watch.
You guys are great and having a blast, keep up the great content!
This must be the funniest sailing channel, thankyou so much you made my day so much better
Thanks to be simple and real, this is all sailing should be
Great video, love your boat.smooth sailing to you.
Thank you so much for letting the rest of the world
enjoy your time on your journey of discovery.Take care and keep on smiling 

This is my favorite channel, I am so glad you came back and started posting again. I look forward to seeing your videos every week, So funny !!! Keep up the good work.
Smooth ride on that cat be sure to have your flotation devices handy
I tried that world of warships, no one could beat me, same with "Tanks" and Missile launching? Oh well must have a zen with War games firing solutions etc.
You two look so happy, hey I may have found myself a red headed Sailing wife?. Boat Yoga, I would rather do that than the woodcutting and House maintenance I have to do for winter here in the frozen North.
My Boat Dream boat is BeoWulf a 78ft Dashew design that does 300 miles a day in fair winds, Only 1.75 Million.
Stay safe out there my friends, Love you guys.
Thanks 4 the video. So many things to see!
Are you going back to dawn hunter? Sorry if I missed something. Enjoy your channel,
You two are awesome and awesome together.
Mesmerized by Yana's necklace pendant! Thanks for sharing!
You guys are amazing

Only thing bad about the pigs was the shots.
Never ever would i join their shots.
I hope you never got the clotshots
Enjoy your videos so much.Thanks for sharing.
Well….. that should get the views up…..
Hey! Great video quality looks 4K! Well done you two!
Great video u guys. Enjoy and be safe. Wow he's a lucky man.
Charlie is what much of Thailand is all about! Kindness!
Have you considered forward facing sonar ?
you both make a great team!! she breaks it & he fixes it!!! LOL thanks for sharing your travels with us & be safe out there!!
You're funny, 12:03 "rocks, natural water" as opposed to "fake" water?
i really enjoy your videos, thank you for sharing your life with us,,
World of warships! I like the part where the captain captures the Russian Queen!

Another entertaining video. You guys are so funny.

Always super Videos. Thank you. You are both very sweet and sympathy. Wish you long life and nice adventures. Stay healthy and safe.

Sweet Vlog, great entertainment! Stay safe, have fun!

Haahaahaa, that was an amazing and awesome adventure. Thank you for brightening my week. Love you guy's attitude and wonderful filming. It was a lot of fun and humor. Much joy to you both.
Looks like fun times. Thanks for sharing and stay safe u two…
I have been binge watching your channel since the beginning. I have watched many sailing channels and enjoy the adventures. However, the close quarter living dynamic is what makes a channel special. Every sailing family is unique and different. However, the dynamic between you both is something special, i love your playful attitude to life, and your antics are hilarious. Yet, your appreciation of the places you visit, people environment, and our effect on the world is not lost. This makes your channel very special. I look forward to future episodes.