1979 DOWNEASTER 38 Sailing Yacht + Istorie, fapte și tur cu Siren | Down East Yachts din CA Ep.38

1979 DOWNEASTER 38 Sailing Yacht + Istorie, fapte și tur cu Siren |  Down East Yachts din CA Ep.38

https://patreon.com/thesirenslog?utm_medium=clipboard_copy&utm_source=copyLink&utm_campaign=creatorshare_creator&utm_content=join_link Săptămâna aceasta, pe The Siren’s Log, vă voi duce printr-un Downeaster 38, construit de Down East Yachts în Santa Ana, California. Downeast 38 este o platformă de tăiere cu o lungime totală de 41,75′ cu bompres și un fascicul de 11,81 picioare. Cu o deplasare de 19.500 de livre, este o navă robustă și grea pentru dimensiunea ei, proiectată să traverseze oceanele cu o viteză de croazieră de peste 7 noduri. Pescajul ei este puțin sub 5′ și are o cocă din fibră de sticlă. Designul a fost conceput de Bob Poole, fondatorul Down East Yachts, și proiectat de Henry Morschladt. Compania a început să construiască bărci în 1974 în Santa Ana, California, în timpul apogeului boom-ului navigației. Peste 230 au fost construite între 1974 și 1981, alături de alte câteva modele Downeaster. Bob Poole a fost constructor de bărci și anterior fusese director executiv pentru Columbia Yachts, iar Morschladt era numele din spatele celebrului brand Pacific Seacraft. În propriile cuvinte ale lui Poole, Pool a vrut să construiască „un iaht de croazieră clasic, utilizând materiale și tehnologie moderne acolo unde le este locul, păstrând în același timp caracteristicile tradiționale ale iahturilor de croazieră fine din Down East.” Exact asta a făcut. Cu aproximativ 230 de Downeaster 38 construite și alte sute între 32, 41 și 45, Bob Poole a murit în 1978, iar compania a continuat încă câțiva ani, terminând chiar și un lot de Westsails pentru Westsail Corporation, care eșuează. . Compania și-a închis complet porțile în 1983, iar uneltele și matrițele au fost vândute către Newport Offshore Yachts. ________________________________________________________________________________ Suntem Siren și Căpitanul Hal. Suntem surferi, suntem pescari, suntem brokeri de iahturi, suntem navigatori, suntem căpitani, suntem scafandri, suntem oameni oceanici, suntem floridieni și despre asta se referă canalul nostru ! Sperăm că te vei abona și te vei urmări! ________________________________________________________________________________ Dacă vă plac videoclipurile noastre, nu ezitați să dați like acestui episod și să vă abonați la canalul nostru! Mai avem multe de urmat! Dacă doriți să ne susțineți în continuare eforturile, acum avem Patreon, o platformă pentru creatori care să colecteze sprijin și să distribuie videoclipuri și conținut din interior contra cost. LINK DE MAI JOS https://patreon.com/thesirenslog?utm_medium=clipboard_copy&utm_source=copyLink&utm_campaign=creatorshare_creator&utm_content=join_link ____________________________________________________________________ Dacă vă place ceea ce am purtat, trebuie doar să ne întrebați ce a fost! Codurile noastre de reducere: Cremă solară biodegradabilă Stream2Sea- SIREN pentru 10% reducere la articolele de băutură Puffin (cu alcoolul PFD cu viață flotantă care fac cadouri minunate) SIREN pentru 15% reducere la Rookie Wellness- SIREN pentru 15% reducere la Juice Beauty Cosmetics and Skincare- JBSIREN15% pentru 15% Reducere la medicamente organice Forces of Nature- 20SIREN pentru 20% reducere la cupe și chiloți pentru perioada Saalt- SIREN pentru 10% reducere la Trotineta subacvatică Asiwo Manta- SIREN pentru 50 USD reducere pe Amare- utilizați #1559896 pentru 10 USD reducere la produsele noastre de frumusețe- SIRENWILLIAMS pentru 15% reducere


34 thoughts on “1979 DOWNEASTER 38 Sailing Yacht + Istorie, fapte și tur cu Siren | Down East Yachts din CA Ep.38

  1. I have bought a Lord Nelson 41 there were 60 built in a 10-year period. Is a imported boat that was finished out with American Reagan so is finish out is american-made boat. She's a 1986 cutlery and in Washington near San Juan straits Port Thompson. The company was partner with the hands Christian Andersen the two designers split the way. Would you like to know more about it they share the hands Christian website together a the stainless steel is high polish. The round Stern and big round ball with a 7 ft bowsprit does not look like your traditional Taiwanese boat a double spreader 60 ft Mass and will the quit over cannabis sail in excellent shape just could use cleaning. The broker West yachts Lee youngblood .

  2. Knock off version of a leaky teaky. I never liked these. They never cought my eye in a good way. I once saw one destroyed on a reef in fiji . Its hull was paper thin i thought.
    Have you ever looked at a mason 43/44
    The 43 can be had for reasonable moneyand they sail great. I almost bought one in1989

  3. Another great episode. Very nice boat. I'm a big fan of the wood work. I can just imagine how amazing the two of you could make this boat as you make it your own. I like the butterfly Hatch and the Light/air they bring in. Looks like good head room overall. Really nice overall for a 38 foot boat. Thanks for sharing. Wish you guys all the best in finding the right boat for you.

  4. A little bit small for charter. Tempting but keep looking. The deal you want is still out there. I suspect that as your channel grows, reaching more people, the more deals will start to pop up. Not only on boats but wood, appliances, motors ect. Someone will adopt you and build vicariously through you. This is a treasure hunt so don't settle for the chest. Good luck from Ontario

  5. If you are planning to do off and on extended coastal and some offshore sailing, ok. If you are planning to spend a number of years sailing on the high seas, go bigger. To restore, you will put the same amount of work in, but the end result will be much more functional long term. Take your time. The market is on your side.

  6. I hope you look at a Prout 38 or 45/46. They are the toughest catamarans ever built, regardless of the hype they not NOT slow, and in fact the 38 is one ton lighter than the Lagoon 38. You can get the Lagoon 39 for under 100K which is ridiculous with new rigging and engines, Hell, the volvos are worth that much installed. Plus new mast etc. But the 45/46 at under 200K are ridiclulously good deals. I own a 2001 Prout 38. Terra Mar. Check those out.

  7. Just a Bit of Constructive Critizism , Can't get a Feel of the Boat Your got the Camera pointing at One detail all the Time , Instead of zooming out a Bit so we can get a Over all view of things
    Nice Boat Tho I like it , Thanks for Showing Us around
    Not Complaining or Trying too tell you what too Do , Just giving my Feedback

  8. Not bad,bit worried about the room for you two ,❤ still a fair bit of work to 😊 keep looking 👍, it's out there 🦄 good luck guys 🤞

  9. Buyers market, if you like it, you buy it,

    But this episode seems to cover only the interiour of the boat. What about the engine, engine hours, water tank, septic tank, other storage comparments, sail condition, sea trial, and so on.
    Listen to the sound of the boat underway, getting a feel for it. Sitting on the dock doesn´t say much.

    I know I´m picky, but the interior is just a fraction of what a boatlife is. It has to be functional, and practical for the entire crew.

    Future reference: If getting a family later on, is a 38' boat worth the size?

    Under sail, people usually sleep off watch in the saloon. (Videos usually lies about the sizes.).
    As the bow tend to sway/splash. Look for a boat with stern master cabin.

    Shower and butterfly hatch has the same corner, meaning there could be a bigger issues hidden within.
    Looks great with wood inside the head, "but" its a wet room. Not the most practical and suitable way.

    Fold the headliner in the roof. It usually shows the condition of health.

  10. Hey u 2, u gotta go bigger for charter or long term live aboard. Have a look at some Cats as well Please.!!!! She's a gorgeous boat. It's ur call, were all just trying to help😲🤣🐕

  11. Is this a for sale boat or just seeing what different boats are like? If it's for sale, what asking price? Are you looking to buy it? If so what more would you have to do beyond the current refit?

  12. i surmise that the rotten wood at the base of the mast is from a leaky mast step. We traditionally would see more damage around the butterfly hatch rim if it was only coming from there, not necessarily just on the floor.

  13. Excellent vessel. I’ve had my 79 38 ft for 14 years now and I absolutely love it. I’ve had many boats throughout the years,many of which were larger and some that were smaller but I have to say for a boat of this this size ,it is a very comfortable sea kindly vessel especially in rough seas. Downeaster is not very well known but she will take you anywhere your heart desires and do it safely. A great blue water cruiser for the adventurous couple guaranteed!😊

  14. Grt vid KC. Thank u 🍻. Love this boat too. And all that wood is just bewt to look at. Its very nostalgic. T pirate back and pirate nose is just so cool. T roof windows with bbq grills over them looked like t ones on Dave's new coral reef 🤣. Yeah, that was cold. T only 2 things missing…Hal's drawl and Bentleys fat head! WOOF!

  15. Downeasters are great boats , We just recently purchased one ourselves off the Chesapeake Bay in Virginia ! The headroom in both the galley & saloon is tremendous , approaching 7 ft ! ( I am 6 ' 2" myself ) so one of few boats in this size I do not feel claustrophobic – wide beam of nearly 12 " so VERY spacious !! There are several YouTube channels featuring , sailing a DE38 ( examples -Faith's Wind , Sailing Mundial ) – we are just beginning a refit ourselves for World Travels ! There is a FB Group for DownEaster Yacht owners as well . Chainplates – Mast compression posts – are just a couple of things that need addressed like on any older boat. Several DE38 have circumnavigated , there is one in the South Pacific adventuring currently –

  16. I love my 1976 DE38 Ketch. Just sailed it from Sydney to Hobart in Australia and she loved every minute of it. A long way from Santa Anna on the other side of the world. The shower actually comes out of the middle of your taps (fawcet). You were looking at the water tank overflow/breather pipes. The second fridge you saw is actually just an icebox. Chainplate leaks can also find their way into that area under the butterfly hatch..Great story, thank you for sharing and if you want to know anything more about the DE38 just ask. Regards, Dave.

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