Alăturați-vă nouă în săptămâna aceasta, vlogul de călătorie Sailing Sunday, în timp ce Ryan solo navighează pe costul de est al SUA, din Florida până în Carolina de Nord, împreună cu prietenii de navigație, Rick și Lou pe Salacia Star. Urmărește-l cum navighează, făcând vlog toate suișurile și coborâșurile navigației solo evitând furtunile și distrându-se mult în vlogurile zilnice ale lui Ryan, în timp ce călătorește solo în SUA. Obțineți o privire reală a acestui stil de viață de navigație în vlog-ul de călătorie din această săptămână în Sailing Sunday. SITE WEB SAILING SUNDAY: SAILING SUNDAY SHOP: DONAȚII DE ANIMALE DE STRADA: PATREON: https: // SOCIAL MEDIA: Conturi de Instagram @sailing_sunday @brittnimoffatt @ryanweepers @jacksontheshepherdx @animalrescueyachtclub Facebook TikTok @animalrescueyachtclub
Navigand singur pe coasta SUA | DUMINICĂ DE PLANGE | Ep. 224

25 thoughts on “Navigand singur pe coasta SUA | DUMINICĂ DE PLANGE | Ep. 224”
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Dude your entertaining to watch bro! I subscribed I can't believe I freaking wasn't
My bad
Jackson is a BIG dog , Ryan do you need a dog food freighter to follow you about?
Cheers guys!
Always entertaining to watch…take care out there see you next Sunday

Family business in Canada straight after the citizenship= a wedding!
Groovy episode. Wends the wedding? LOL!
I suspect there's a wedding on the cards… Everybody is just far too happy… Just make sure you get up north unscathed…
Wow when you were in the slip next to me I didn’t think the size of your cockpit was so big but seeing you and that dog lay down shows me how big it really is. Btw my fuel didn’t seem dirty I don’t think it was jax probably your fuel cans
J-stroke !
That was cool Ryan.
Ryan signs out every time he talks to the camera. Alright guys, see ya next time(
I sure do want you to wear your life jacket in these storms! Making me nervous

Great to see you doing some actual sailing!
Yeah, I like the animal stuff and the partying and food and such too. Variety is the key!
So many sailing and other channels going south – the boat builds and refits, the dramas, the threat of relationships breakdown, the increasing hysterics! Makes me think YT, esp sailing channels are dying.
Hope you can keep it going!
You’re did a great job of filming on your own Ryan! And hilarious when you were rowing and Jackson covered the camera and then when you said the dogs have “pinched one out”!!

I hear wedding bells

So now with larger outboard you need to install one of those crane (kind of things) on aft so you can hoist motor on an off tender.
Nice one Ryan. Great you got you buddy boat friends to look after Jackson for when you come to Canada here EH!! Hope your sail to Chesapeake Bay goes well. Yes you got Hurricane season still to contend with, but winter's coming and the WINTER Storms which I understand on the Atlantic Eastern seaboard can be EXTREME! What did I see while you guys were walking the dogs on the beach. Well I didn't see POOP & SCOOP? Imagine someone walking running on beach and steps on to the doggy crap and they're bare foot. Enjoy Canada with Britt and family catch you next video
Know how you feel.It's blowing a hooley here ! Sail Safe Guys, Ant & Cid.
Best entertainment is guaranteed thanks to your wonderful videos…great solo sailing tour Ryan with relaxed support from your great furry friend Jackson….very excited about your stay in Canada…stay sensible…take care, stay happy and healthy ..

Ryan….. Thor needs a face lift, some new paint maybe?
Be safe out there. Good job solo sailing Ryan

Fun vid guys! Ryan your a champion! So nice to sail as a team well done out Running a hurricane on your own! That's Boss action!
Fun video!
Shouldn't you wear some type of safety strap just in case the boat gets thrown and you don't fall overboard ??????? BE CAREFUL !!!!!!!!!