Ne-am lăsat barca la tropice. Iată ce am găsit!

Ne-am lăsat barca la tropice.  Iată ce am găsit!

Îți plac VIDEOCLIPILE? Cel mai bun mod de a susține acest canal: ABONAȚI-VĂ LA NEWSLETTERUL NOSTRU LUNAR: NOUA NOASTRA BARCĂ – NAHOA 55: /nahoa55 URMĂȚI-NE PE INSTAGRAM: URMĂȚI-NE PE FACEBOOK: Stay Wild, Stay Free, Ben. Ashley. Willa. Bodhi.


36 thoughts on “Ne-am lăsat barca la tropice. Iată ce am găsit!

  1. So glad for you that the boat was so easy to move back into this time. Happy sailing and happy Thanksgiving!

  2. So cal here I was waiting for the time lapse of sanding the hull lol Is it called a hull( what a great journey I also have a three year old he's a land dweller

  3. Hi, a quick thought for you in Nassau – Paradise Island, the Atlantis Resort has a great pool and swim river the kids would love. It's a fantastic Resort, with an Aquarium, and ponds throughout the Resort all very cool for kids to enjoy, and there is a Giant Chair which is a great place to have family photos. Loved Nassau Zoo as well as the fabulous small animals the kids can feed the Flamingo March and Walz performance is wonderful and the birds love it. SAFE SEAS AND SAIL, Beautiful Vessel by the way – wonderful you are sharing with us ❤️👏🏻🙏🏻🙋🏻‍♀️🇦🇺

  4. How stupid that you complain about the condition of your boat being in the condition YOU LEFT IT IN
    How stupid it is that you take your shoes off before entering the cabin of your boat that is already in a disgusting state… that you left it.

  5. that is such a brilliant environment for the children – two engaged parents – it takes a fair bit of effort on your part – but the best- and so many experiences to negotiate.

  6. totally agree! Why clean just to clean again! Dont leave anything out that is going to get thing dirtier or mold, but if you know it's just going to need a cleaning when you get back, save the work and clean when you get back

  7. Two weeks ago I saw the video you guys did of "sailing with the locals" there in the Proa style "sailing canoe". Huge game changer for me. I have a "broken" sailboat. Tree fell on it 20 years ago. Scheduled for demolition. It's all there. A 19 foot lake boat. Very fast in it's day. Trying to rebuild the hull ~ wider transom etc. Took all the fiberglass decking off, most of the cockpit. Just the centerboard and the shell of the hull on a trailer. Well. I now have a plan to make the hull NARROW, like a Canoe. With Ama's that are portable. (See the Corsair 880). Excellent NORTH sails. Etc. THANK YOU SO MUCH ~ Not gonna lie. Because of you guys. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Best wishes. ✨🌸🌟🌸✨. ~~~. I am now subscribed ~. Oh yea. Not worthy. From New Hampshire. ✨🌸👍🌸✨. 🇺🇸. ✨. 🇨🇦 ✨.

  8. PLEASE COVER YOUR DAUGHTER UPPER PRIVATE PARTS WHILE ON VIDEO I WONT SUBMIT A *******COMPLAINT*******BECAUSE YOU ARENT Intentionally doing it but there are creeps out there watching…..Please cover her PLZ$$$$$$$$$$

  9. Starlink, world changer… IT guy, knew about it years before it even launched… and knew what a game changer it would be,,, to bad they're raping you on RV/Marine service costs… but I guess its still way better than Sat…

  10. Curious, have you ever tried a compound like “Wet it and Forget it”? We use this on our driveway and deck and it seems to keep the mildew away. Who knows, maybe a potential sponsor for your channel as well.
    Looking forward to the new boat.

  11. Ben, maybe it is the audio but that starboard engine did not sound as healthy as the port. There was an audible tick on that side. Without going back to old videos, is that the one where you bent a pushrod? Perhaps the valves need adjustment on that side? I am no expert, just a shadetree mechanic for fun. Good to see you back and hope the break was a great one.

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