De ce guvernul SUA plătește 10 milioane de dolari pe an pentru acest iaht

De ce guvernul SUA plătește 10 milioane de dolari pe an pentru acest iaht

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27 thoughts on “De ce guvernul SUA plătește 10 milioane de dolari pe an pentru acest iaht

  1. Seems like you could take a few steps to at least mitigate costs a little? Take them up a river (fresh water), in a slightly cooler climate (reduce mold), to a middle-of-nowhere dock (save mooring fees)? Dry docking is another idea but they'd have to find somewhere super cheap and dry-docking boats of that size aren't cheap so they'd have to build their own? You could climate control it if it was inside but those are still huge boats to dry-dock indoors.

  2. I know the closing remarks were a joke, but letting people on the boats could be a great idea. Throw parties for a reasonable admission price to break even on maintaining the boat. It would be a fun way to stick to the oligarchs

  3. When the Houthis sieze a ship tied to Israel, the very same America that siezes the private property of others, will label the people of Yemen as terrorists. SMH. It never ceases to amaze how oblivious westerners are to their own double standards and hypocrisy. Unbelievable!

  4. The government should allow corporations to rent them for parties and whatnot, with this caveat: they must pay for all of the extra operation and cleanup, etc, as well as for each day they rent the boat, they must also pay for a day's worth of use for a non-profit org as well. Hell, if they did this, then I think it would be fine if the corporation wasn't charged a rental fee (they will already have to pay a lot for the staff and fuel while using it)

  5. Wowwww this was a let down. Our government is paying for the upkeep of Russian yachts just for them to probably be returned to them.

  6. Your standard "Unintended Consequences" where **THE AMERICAN TAXPAYER** is the one who gets rightly rogered just as if a "real" pirate got hold of them….
    Oh … that's right…. the U.S. Fed **IS** a bunch of scallywags…. They do **not** care that the U.S. taxpayer gets it in the neck.

  7. The other result is that because the yacht was seized by a foreign government, under the fifth amendment, if the U.S. sold the yacht, we’d have to pay the shell company the money. A boat costs one tenth of its price per year in maintenance costs. So a hundred million dollar yacht costs ten million dollars in maintenance per year. If any of these countries holds the yachts for ten years, even if they sell them they will lose money. It wasn’t a well thought out strategy. An additional complication is that many of the ogliarchs whom these yachts are purportedly owned by are now dead, having for some reason reason fallen out of a window or being in an automobile accident, complete with bullet holes in the chest. Nothing to see here folks, move along.

  8. Oh yeah, really hurting those billionaires by taking their yachts…
    The entire Ukraine war was started by the US and EU threatening to incorporate Ukraine into NATO anyway.

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