Experiența completă MSC SEASHORE YACHT CLUB. Portat acum în Port Canaveral din Florida, nava de croazieră MSC MSC Seashore oferă pasagerilor tot ce este lux și opulență. Ei bine, poate în câteva luni când își vor acționa împreună. Alăturați-vă lui Tim cu Fake Robin Leach în această experiență distractivă la bordul MSC Seashore și faceți un tur al MSC Yacht Club.
MSC Seashore: The Yacht Club Experience

36 thoughts on “MSC Seashore: The Yacht Club Experience”
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2:45 is that a TRIPLE???
I’ll be sailing on Seashore on Dec 3rd!
The cruise line should hire you to do stand-up. This was great. Thank you so very much. Boarding on 11/26 and sadly departing on 12/7. I am thinking to do a birthday cruise on this ship and really want to do the Yacht Club. You should get a commish!
Yacht Club opulence is luxurious, sumptuous, palatial, lavishly appointed, splendid, magnificent, grand, fancy, bougie, ritzy, swanky, posh, classy, and OPULENT AF!
Now, this is opulently opulent with just the right amount of opulence.
We sail Seashore YC in 5 days.
Saw your updated video that said this was less than spectacular.. Do you still recommend yacht club on seashore?
Taking our first MSC cruise (yacht club) this upcoming weekend. The included YC drinks package is basically anything onboard $16 or less, correct?
Classic brother. Best cruise videos on YouTube
Have fun in all that opulence
OMG! You guys scared me! You rebranded! I glad to know you didn’t leave!

I haven’t heard positive reviews regarding MSC. 8:40 eating shells damn!
We did seashore yacht club a week ago and we all must have said opulent a thousand times after watching your video. Really awesome video.
You must develop a comedy movie on a cruise ship. Brilliant clip. Laughed like a drain

This video is opulent!!
Opulent spelled backwards is Tnelupo.
Hilarious! I can feel the opulence through the screen! I'm sailing YC in February so I hope they get those smiling fish ice cream cones by then!
Love your video! Due to your video I decided opulence is the only way for my fiancé and I and booked YC! Love a good sense of humor! Keep up the great work!
Do all of you truly find him funny? Im sorry. That is amazingly sad.
God, that was the funniest video I have watched in a long time, very well done!
Nice job! Subscribed.

Going on Seashore in September in the YC and I can't wait! This was my favorite MSC tour video!! Thanks!
You single-handedly convinced me to NOT do the yacht club.
Subscribed! Your videos are awesome!
This is the funniest review ive ever seen
You guys are hilarious
Really bad form that you were allowed to film people actively using the spa. Never have I seen that allowed and If it was me I would have demanded an end to the filming. and written corporate. This wasn't like the theater or the buffet. This was an area where she did have some expectation of privacy. This was really an invasion of her privacy.
YC beach can hurt, a lot
Such an opulent funny movie. Thank you
Since it is shown on YouTube, all the videos are commercial and you can't find any bad comments like it is related to the cruise line. Don't think about YouTube videos that are fair and truthful, but watch YouTube videos and throw away any fantastical thoughts.
I like the commentary, informative and funny
“Do you have a pepper room?”
We are going on the seashore Yacht club on the 15th of September, I am looking forward to the opulence!
Driving the ship? Thats no Captains talk
. It's navigate the ship
Your clap back to "sensitive commenters" is on a WHOLE OTHER LEVEL & I'm here for it!!