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26 thoughts on “Au spus că nu putem face asta!! AM TERMINAT SUDAREA ACESTEI BARCĂ DE OȚEL ABANDONATĂ!”
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Looking good
Andy, marvelous welding, she looks ready to launch! Happy Thanksgiving from here, to the whole family. Keep up the good work.
Love it nothing is good enough but the best and always willing to learn brilliantly done
Flight of fancy – if the “Boat Fairy” finished Steel Melody one night, would you be overjoyed or annoyed?
Get on with it man!
I know you do that amount of explaining to stuff people who don't think your going about things right, but don't worry bout them! As soon as someone starts making fun you know your doing something right.
All good. Ignore the armchair chatter boxes they mean well but!!.
You pay far more attention to the opinions of Youtube commenters than I would
Fantastic! So…Jon’s jumper….I LOVE it! (It’s my color.) Wool? Indigo dyed? Great job, guys!

Thanks! I appreciate everything you guys post and all the hard work that goes into such.
Good stuff Andy.. Yeah put a decent capping run on the outside after you've prepped it…. The vee should be at least 60degrees..2mm deep clean root… Then capping run
Hi Andy, unfortunately there’s people out there that sit on their backside and never do anything but criticise others. If I have an ago I lost my right leg above the knee in 2018 and people tell you, you can’t do nothing now because of your injuries I had fractured skull brain damage 550 mm of my spine. Used up with the titanium rods 15 multiple breaks in my ribs my left lung exploded when the truck ran over top of me. They did keyhole surgery to fix it up as best they could. I had six blood clots in the lungs. Seven more operations. Tried to save my right leg before chopped it off my right hand was under a truck wheel for an hour and a half and I were going to remove my fingers. I died three times in a coma for one day short of a month. Had to learn to eat. Speak and drink again, but I don’t want. Pity I’m now back driving a car 7 months after the accident two years after that I decided to get back and ride a motorbike again which now I ride a three wheeler. I bought a camper trailer called a space pod camper and now I go camping with my two dogs, but people told me that it’s impossible for you to do what you do like you Andy many people will judge you for what you do, but they’re not in your shoes. They are not paying your bills and all I do is criticise what you doing. I’ve been watching your videos for over three years, and maybe four years since you bought steel melody and you had a dream the sale around the world in this boat , if you listen to what people say yeah, will just sit in the corner and do nothing because you think you’re going to offend someone. I couldn’t give a bugger about what other people think about me I just do what I do anyway enough of me rambling on keep up the good work love and appreciate you all cliff from Logan City, Queensland, Australia

Ok. Don’t spray the cleaner directly onto the weld. Spray onto a clean cloth and wipe off in one direction only. Repeat using a clean section of cloth and Repeat until the weld cleaned. Then developer after the cleaner has dried (it dries fast).
Thanks guys!
Critics be damned. I'm enjoying learning about welding again. More power to you all.
U made one fatal mistake u should never test until all the welding is complete as u may cause cracks with the heat from the second weld ie expansion and contraction may cause cracks on the first weld
Lifting stuff: Is there a davit mount anywhere on Steel Melody?
On the plate welds, it might have been an idea to V prep the plate and hole on the underside and made the plate 1mm smaller all around. That way, if done correctly, would only require one weld run per plate as the prep work ensures a full pen weld.
Well done Andy another step closer to finishing fair winds
Hi Andy, Last week you said that you found out about the missing bit of plate in the keel box because of some water that was in the bilge that was running out of the gap between the plates of the old keel box and the liner. I know you have now filled all that in but if the water from the bilge was getting out then if water gets in the bilge in the future then surely its going to be able to get between the plates of the old keel box and the new liner causing corrosion that will be out of sight. Is there anything that you could pour into the cavity to stop this?
I always love seeing the progress on Steel Melody. I hope you are able to get her back in the water and into the hands of a new owner in the near future so you guys can get underway with the rest of your adventures.
As a risk assessor, I would advise get yourself a small hoist for those lifting jobs.
Non welders talking about welding?
the chart on the welder is a guide. these are the suggested starting values. you need to adjust should it be necessary. just because, "i used the recommended settings" doesn't mean you have proper welds and you know it. so i don't know why you used this chart as, "i did it right."
Andy, I will apologise up front for the safety comment I am about to make but I worked in heavy mechanical maintenance all my working life, now retired. I am talking with actual experience with an eye injury through grinding. So no matter what any others say about safety, it always comes first. For God's sake man, not only wear safety glasses but also wear a full face shield. Most people won't know what it's like to have a metal splinter extracted from the lens of your eye and the pain duration you go through for such a minuscule piece of metal. I was lucky with no permanent damage.
So please do your self a favour and for your family, its a small inconvenience. Love your channel.