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Catamaranul plutește „de-a lungul oceanului” după ce căpitanul moare | Clipuri SY
15 thoughts on “Catamaranul plutește „de-a lungul oceanului” după ce căpitanul moare | Clipuri SY”
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"757" is a Virginia, USA telephone area code that includes the coast.
That number is for the US Coast Guard Atlantic area command center.
Think about it.. They cant rescue the boat due to sea conditions but someone was able to spray paint very clearly in good hand writing the number etc ?? It would seem to me that spray paint was done in stable calm good weather certainly not in the rain… or rough seas ???
Health problems or serious injury while sailing solo can and has killed sailors. Without warning I had a stoke driving to work one day. If I had been on a boat by myself, in the middle of the Atlantic, I wouldn't be typing this today!
Captain died of the Vaxx clot shot! They even have a name for it now Sudden Adult Death Syndrome – SADS. Everyone vaxxed is on a time fuse.
I was on a cruise ship that took refugees on board off Cuba. the ships crew wrote on the the hull of the boat USCG O.K. 14 PPL REMOVED and the name of our ship. Must be protocol for such an instance.
"the captain died onboard and his body recovered." Thanks for the info about the boat, but what has happened to the zombie?
I was on a boat once, but I didn't die…
Not the first or last boat when a solo sailor died on board and was discovered. Look at it positively, he died while doing what he dreamed. Yes, he might have been alive if he had medicale care handy, but he wouldn't have been living.
According to the news report I read, the skipper was rescued by the US coast guard, but couldn’t take control of the boat, so they wrote the messages on the side. No report of anyone died. I always thought they were to scuttle a boat if no one took control of it.
So if there is a big storm the yacht will be in big waves, so how did someone write that message on the side with big waves crashing over them?
US Coast guard in the Azores? I’m not an expert, but that doesn’t sound right.
Who now owns the boat
Great boat. owner is gonna be pissed