Living Off grid pe noua noastră barcă cu pânze în îndepărtata Indonezia. Croazieră pe Insulele Banyak din Sumatra de Vest. Am ajuns la destinație și după o lungă navigație spre vânt, ne aflăm printre insule și putem încetini în sfârșit. Această zonă este cunoscută pentru surfing uimitor, plaje uimitoare și un loc mai puțin călătorit. Mergem la vânătoare de valuri pentru a naviga, dar aceste valuri nu sunt de glumă, iar recifele de corali de mică adâncime sunt normal. După un an în care nu face surfing, Yosh se apropie puțin prea mult de recif pentru confort!! #boatlife #sailing #sailingaroundtheworld #travel #offgrid #offgridliving Sprijină-ne aici ❤️ Patreon: Paypal: Merch: https:// Recomand cana de cafea 👌 Rețele sociale și toate celelalte locuri în care ne veți găsi🤘 Facebook: Instagram: Website: 💫 Cumpărați Bonitas Look – ABONAȚI-vă la Newsletter-ul nostru de pe site-ul nostru pentru actualizări despre aventurile noastre! ABONAȚI-VĂ LA CANALUL NOSTRU. 👌 FACEȚI CLIC PE CLOPOȘ pentru a afla când apar videoclipuri NOI Nandji! Noroc legendele! Dacă v-a plăcut acest videoclip, faceți clic pe linkul de mai jos și vedeți-l din nou! 👇👇👇 Tisa!

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Love Macgyver Yosh solutions 👍🏻
5:38 stunning indeed
I had watercooled fridge was a pain intake pipe kept getting blocked ended up chucking it and getting fan cooled compressor much better
Living life to the fullest in paradise! Sorry about your head Yosh! The perils ofsurfing with reefs around! That was some nasty mangroves to get into.
Again, Tallula steals the show! Just the cutest child! Enjoy Indo!
That Nautilus shell is a thing of beauty
Not knocking you Yosh but reef surfing requires good booties and a Gath Hat.
Next drone florescent orange… next sketch session helmet and body armor… infection in open wounds is not an option. A stern anchor would remedy the rolling.
Awesome video guys, what brand of aluminum cat was that?
We all know you have a hard noggin and you'll be OK with more battle scars but how did the reef fare LOL nice to see all are in great shape and spirits 😊
Just love watching your journey. I love the places you take us ❤
Love your show .. it’s just real everyday boating life with all its ups & downs. Hope you healed well, sorry to say it but your a Dad now… think twice and be cautious for your little girl 👧 Look forward to your next sunny 🌞 video ❤
Staple your head together and surf away , Uhh Huh sure. Glad you are ok.
Please be careful, guys surfing . Avoid the Coral 🪸. Great sea shell you found.
Now you have to start all over in the mangroves & look for a shoe! Sorry you have to deal with scab city for a bit Yosh!!!
That's the way to get medical treatment . Beer in hand, fresh air and sun and your babe by your side.
I the future, it's probably a good idea to attach an air tag to the drone.
Yosh, few tubes of Neosporin is a must for scrapes and cuts… 🤘🥰. What’s scary about the reef, it could be the face 😳🤭 I say Yoshie with a face mask and helmet or Momma B. grounds him … 🤪. Bonita’s backflip, 10! 🥳🤘
Thats what you call LIVIN, hope ur ok Yosh
Well mate after you smacked the old melon on the reef i could suddenly understand what you were saying . 😳😳
It’s only a flesh wound, get some concrete and harden up. 😂😂😂🚑🚑🚑🍻😎
You need two drones, one to search for lost drone😮
Tats a QS kid right there.
it kinda looks like the drone at 12:23 upper left of the screen in the roots haha
Get well soon mate
Bonita! You are gorgeous as you are! Your smile is what makes you! I Love you are letting us into your life! You are looking too skinny girl!!
Hey Yosh. Lost my drone the same way at about the same time. I reckon DJI put a little something in the firmware upgrades and sell a shit load of drones.
# rollin tubes @ treasures! 🌊💨🏄
Nasty reef burn Yosh ouch. In terms of your DJI your controller will have the exact position it landed in the mapping section you can enlarge to full screen and walk til you arrive following the screen. One for the future… 😉
Goodonya People s ! Living the dream! 🧿🌺🐝🇦🇺⚓️🍄
Wow ,,, Just love your Chanel ,,, You Guys are as real as it gets ,, Hopefully , you will be able to get another Drone soon .. I do like the aerial photography ,,
It has been a few months since I have seen any of your videos. It seems much harder to understand Yosh. Maybe banging the reef with his head has made his aussie pronunciations way worse? "Marley" is completely buried and now sounds like Molly. Fortunately the names of the other shipmates are still identifiable.
The rain sure seems preferable to dealing with scorching sun!
The good old cardboard telescope. Every good first mate and ship should have one.
I don't want to know where Yosh keeps his half inch nipples and elbows…..
Ouch Reef RASH 🤕. How does she work to weather and her comfort zone in building seas? Great adventures thanks.
Can you imagine what a badass surfer, mechanic, sailor, navigator, etc. Lula will be when she's grown? What a great education.
Gosh baby girl is adorable! One little cutie! You guys are doing great.
Love how you guys show the whole roller coaster ride which is sailing ⛵️ so refreshing!
You guys are definitely glass half full kinda people. Good on ya! Tallula and her little 'surf' board is precious. She seems so comfortable in the water…. Too cute 🤗 Sorry about the drone and about Yosh's injury. I hope he's OK 🤗💞
If DJI there is a Find My Drone. I used it to find my drine and it took me right to it and it was under water
Great video. Bonita you look great. Mr. Family man be careful, people count on you.
Yosh, I hope you are recovered from your mishap with the reef. Loving the way you guys are showing both sides of boat life. Bummer about the drone. Thank you for taking us along for the ride!
The surf looked excellent, praying Yosh is recovering from the coral. Soon enough Tallula will be surfing those big ones, she is absolutely getting along nicely. Sorry about the drone, we will miss the footage from the air. Happy Thanksgiving!
Wow, ONE MONTH OFF GRID LIVING in REMOTE INDONESIA!! This episode is truly inspiring and showcases the beauty of embracing a simpler lifestyle. Bonita, your vibrant energy and infectious smiles truly show how content and happy you are in this remote paradise. Your journey reminds us all to appreciate the small joys in life and cherish the love of family. Marley's return to his playful self is heartwarming to witness. And that Nautilus shell you found is absolutely stunning! Thank you Nandji family for sharing this incredible experience with us. Your videos always bring so much light and positivity, and this one definitely brightened my week. Keep living your fullest life! All the best wishes to you all.
Oh gosh Yosh, that was a nasty hit on the reef😢 Sending healing prayers, the boat needs its Captain! Does the hat go to Bonita when the Captain is down? Use lots of antibacterial ointment, I pray you dont get a concussion.❤
Thanks guys, GO MARLEY MAN. 👍🏻💕🐾🦴
Amazing 🤩 🍑🤩! Go for a smaller one! 🤩👍
Isn’t that croc country?
My two cents worth is hating to see you loose a nice fish. I have seen more sailors loose fish the same way by not bringing the boat to a stand still and working the fish in. Is it too much trouble to head up into the wind for a few minutes in order to land a nice meal?